View Full Version : Anyone gluten intolerant?

20-04-17, 21:36

I just wanted some advice about gluten intolerance.

For years and years I've had IBS. Many years ago when it was really bad I saw a holistic dr who advised me to cut lots of foods out of my diet for a month and my stomach was the best it's ever been.

I've had it on and off ever since and been back to doctors for various different medicines etc but for the last couple of years I've noticed that it's been quite bad again.

I go through phases of having horrendous diarrhoea (sorry tmi) which leaves me really drained. I also seem to have bouts of constipation, I've developed bad acid reflux and generally every evening my stomach seems to be gurgling and I have lots of gas/bloating, I also find I get very nauseous in the evenings.

As I said I've been back to the dr's but they just swap my meds over and they do provide some relief but I just started thinking back to when I cut foods out of my diet my symptoms subsided and I felt so much better.

I've also been told I'm borderline hypothyroid but I've read that a lot of thyroid symptoms are very similar to gluten intolerance and I've also read mouth ulcers can occur with it and there are certain foods I can't eat as I will get mouth ulcers.

I just wondered if anyone had it and how they got tested/diagnosed for it.

This isn't one of my HA flares I'm not worried by it I just thought if I do have it I'd like to know so I can hopefully try and sort my stomach out and though some people on here might have it.

Also is it just a case of cutting gluten out of your diet? I just wondered if it might be worth giving it a go.


Clydesdale Epona
21-04-17, 10:45
When I was first diagnosed with my ibs and reflux I cut everything out one at a time to see if it made it made (one week dairy, the next week gluten etc) it is definitely worth a try cutting it out for a while to see, I'm not gluten intolerant myself but i still find my symptoms better without it so I've stayed gluten free. I'd give it a try for a week or two and then eat something with gluten to see how affects you x

All the best :hugs:

21-04-17, 16:32
Thanks for the reply.

I think I am going to give it a go, I think it won't hurt to see if I can work out any triggers.

I remember when I had the food intolerance testing done before cutting out the things they said I was intolerant too was amazing my stomach was fine for a long time after so hopefully I might be able to find some some triggers!

21-04-17, 22:07
When I stopped gluten all my ibs symptoms went away and I finally began losing weight and feeling so much better . Definitely give it a go