View Full Version : Dealing with these problems

20-04-17, 22:29
Hello everyone
I'm new to this site., i'v been looking for a site where I can talk about my panic attacks that's if it is this .

It started about 8 years ago I was getting really bad panic attacks to the point I didt go out I didn't dear go for a drink on a night out driving I'd get worried I'd have one .
I ended up going to doctors and was put on some tablets .
I eventually got on the right track .

But the last year it seems to be coming back but now when I go to the gym go on running machine I have a attack and I feel like I'm going to pass out . I go night fishing and I have panic attacks and think I'm going to die . Or have a heart attack or somthing . Or when I'm in a busy place I can get them .

It gets me down so much as I love going night fishing ect but the last year i'v not been going as all I can think about is the last one I had when I was night fishing it was horrible .
Also I can have moments where I feel like i'v been tip up side down like disorientated

How do people deal with this what's you thoughts ?

22-04-17, 01:27
I first experienced panic attacks years ago, and I found them terrifying, as I didn't know what was happening. I thought I was going to faint or lose control or die, and thought there must be something physically wrong with me. I am not sure what triggered them initially, though it was a stressful time in my life, but I became more afraid of the next panic attack than anything else. I found some help from seeing a doctor initially, for reassurance that I was physically OK. Then longer term, reading about panic and anxiety, and speaking to people, including professionals, about it. I found the idea of accepting the feelings and riding out the sensations helpful (though hard) and think these days that I am less bothered by the physical sensations of panic or anxiety. I have also used apps, eg, for managing breathing and cardiac coherence to help with the physical feelings.