View Full Version : Everything feels wrong. Stomach, lower back, neck, head...

20-04-17, 23:40
Okay, starting last Saturday, I was having some weird stomach issues. Bad cramps after eating, constipation, waves of clamminess. Cramps finally went away Monday. They were replaced with a horrible headache in my forehead that is worse with movement (bending over or coughing). I also had a tightness in my chest, lump in my throat feeling, and a stiff neck on the sides and in the back.

Pulled it together Monday and Tuesday for work. Stayed home Wednesday, took a laxative, finally pooped. Some of the lower back pain went away but not all. Slept most of the day.

Thursday, wake up with the head and neck pains. Gradually went away as the day went on. Now it's Thursday night, I'm unable to poop again and my neck is killing me. Extremely stiff, down the sides and in the back. And this weird lump in my throat feeling is back.

Any ideas what could be going on? I've never felt this shitty with this many random symptoms before. Almost a full week now. Everything feels wrong and I just feel off. Haven't had a fever at any point, though, and I seem to be sleeping well. At this point my husband is tired of me complaining and my parents think I have some sort of virus and need more time off work to recover.

Help! One full week of feeling this crappy is more than enough! Any logical explanation for all these symptoms?

21-04-17, 05:18
I also have some tooth sensitivity. This is really worrying me...

22-04-17, 05:50
I've noticed the lump in throat and upper body tightness are both significantly worse at night and in the morning. Please help!