View Full Version : Pain in right hip, sides and back

21-04-17, 01:49
For a week now I've been having pain near my right hip sides and into leg I'm not sure it's sciatica. I could walk but if I lean it hurts it feels muscular but I'm worried it's something bad. It came out of nowhere it feels better when laying down but still hurts and when I press on it feels like bruise but there is none. I hope it's nothing but my muscle by I worry it's a tumor from kidneys or ovarian cancer that's what my mind comes up with. I had a clear ultrasound in September I'm hoping that rules that out but still worry. Anyone know what it could be or had this pain before

21-04-17, 19:54

22-04-17, 07:02
I'm thinking it's that or some muscular thing but I still worry I'm gonna try what you said.

24-04-17, 20:35
It still hurts gonna be two weeks now. I don't want to go to dr I already had an ultrasound in September don't want to go again. I feel like I have been holding in urine expect I feel it on my side near hip into leg if tha makes sense. It feels better laying on that side it hurts moving I'm worried I have some tumor on ovary it's really bothering me and don't know how to stop worrying I'm dying