View Full Version : A brief message to NMP users

21-04-17, 01:50
I've read mixed feelings about NMP some people believes it helps anxiety while others think it only increases anxiety. Me personally have enjoyed the responses from you guys, that's part of the reason I post so often because you guys have truly provided me with more comfort than my own doctor's, because on here I'm talking to people who are dealing with or dealt with the sanm nightmare I face on a daily bases. A lot of people view the health anxiety forum, way more than any other forum on this site, I always see more than 1000 people viewing this particular forum at any given time. So to me it's a great place for reassurance, people can tell you the difference between serious symptoms and benign symptoms, although it is best to come here after you you've already seen your doctor because we cannot give you a diagnosis. I see NMP as a great community of people who are in very hard times mentally, I've read people's stories about receiving a bad diagnosis and I've read stories of people who got the all clear from their doctors, and so you get to a point where you know who's symptoms seem sinister and who's seem benign and that's the beauty of NMP because it's a great place to learn what needs to be taken more seriously. Lymph nodes and als are two of the more popular topics here, and most of the posts I read about the two of these usually turn out to be nothing at all, and the ones that do turn out to be cancer are the ones that are obvious something is wrong such as being sick and having golf ball sized lumps etc. People have hundreds of lymph nodes, and in a large group of people they can feel those nodes, they can feel like a bb or they can feel like a pea and so on and they won't grow for 6 months these are typically the people who don't have much to worry about. It's a lot easier said than done I know, because I also worry about my lymph nodes although they don't seem to have grown in 7 months and my doctor said I am OK I still worry. But I just wanted to put this out there and let people on NMP know that you guys are great and you're helping people more than you will ever realize. Thank you.