View Full Version : Can sleep anxiety worried about my son

21-04-17, 02:24
Took some valium n tried to sleep but i have anxiety thoughts. I took my teenage son to the gp this eveing and hes going to get a speech therapy referal which is great, no problems but they picked up on a physical condition that i totally bypassed and am now worried as i didnt notice, i now feel like a bad parent.. maybe a little in denial? He is getting reffered for that also and now and may need surgery which scares the hell out of me.. i am also concered be might be ' on the spectrum' ( autism)as he ticks quite a few boxes for the signs but i never got to discuss this and have been a little in denial if its there or not? So may have get this assessed if i can cope with it

21-04-17, 08:54
Sorry i do feel quite crap right now

21-04-17, 08:59
You have to stop blaming yourself. Guilt is nothing but a waste of time. If your child is on the spectrum someone would have mentioned it to you by now. I have an autistic child in my class and his parents became aware of his autism only after his teacher last year suggested he should be assessed. You say your son is a teenager. Trust me his teachers would have raised it with you long before now.

21-04-17, 09:01
It sounds like your son is in the great hands of the professionals. You shouldn't worry and why should you feel like a bad parent for not picking up on something that only health professionals picked up on?

Stop beating yourself up you should be happy that everything is being taken care of professionally

21-04-17, 09:02
Try to remember we can only do so much in one day. You're not a bad mom for a number of reasons 1.) You took your son to the doctor 2.) You care about his well being 3.) It's obvious how much you love him.

You're doing all you can do in this moment for him and that's being a good mom. I struggle to with trying to be the best mom while battling anxiety and​ all we can do is take it day by day.