View Full Version : How do I believe doctors

21-04-17, 03:19
Ok so as you know I'm afraid of Luekiema. recently I have gotten my 4th blood test (a complete blood count),and all of the times it has come back normal. Or atleast thats what the doctor is telling me. I remember that the second blood test I got my WBC was 13.6. The standard range waa 12.0. Also have a vitamin D defiency She said I was normal...I don't understand. I even called her again at that time and she was like "When I say you're normal,you're normal." since then,I've gotten 2 more tests. Basically I've had a blood test each month since Feburary. And all of the doctors that have taken my blood have said I was normal.Granted,the last two blood tests I've got it wasnt the doctor telling me but it was another person. Are they qualifed to tell me I'm normal? Im so confused. I'm so fed up and scared. The last blood test I had was about three days ago. It was also for liver enzymes too,and they said my WBC,RBC, and platlets were all OK as well as the other enzyme test they did... But I have a bruise on my shin,its little and kinda darkish but not big,and I think I have one on my arm too? But its really light. I dont understand...how I'm normal...

edit-Why did I google Luekiema symptoms again..i have been getting headaches that have been persistent this week..scared myself into thinking I had meningitis lol...turns out it could be a luekiema symptom too? Nice. I want to crawl into bed im terrified now.I

21-04-17, 08:38
Are they qualifed to tell me I'm normal?

If approaching a decade at medical school and years of professional practice doesn't make you qualified, I don't know what will.

EDIT - sorry, just read your post properly, yes they will be qualified. They won't get the cleaner to do it.

21-04-17, 09:37
If approaching a decade at medical school and years of professional practice doesn't make you qualified, I don't know what will.

EDIT - sorry, just read your post properly, yes they will be qualified. They won't get the cleaner to do it.

Thnaks for always putting things into perspective :) what do you think about my luekiema headache fear now lol

21-04-17, 13:08
Are you in therapy and/or taking medication for your crippling health anxiety?

21-04-17, 13:23
Do yourself a favor and stop looking things up online. If you insist on Dr. Google, why not google positive things? You only get results for what you look for. I've never heard of a leukemia headache. You are insulting your physicians by questioning them. They spent years in school to become physicians. You have concrete proof from tests that you are normal. You should see a doctor about your anxiety and get on with your life.

21-04-17, 14:57
If something was wrong like leukemia, your blood counts would be way off. Not just a little bit. I mean like wayyyyyyyyyyy off.

Ask yourself, why am I so focused on leukemia? I've had many normal blood tests, so why isn't that enough for me to realize that I'm okay? Is there something that is incomplete in my life that I'm worrying about not finishing before it's my time to go? Is there any way that I can make a plan so that if something ever happens, I won't be as anxious as I am now?

Ask yourself all of the questions you can think of to challenge your irrational thoughts, and then answer them so that they won't hold so much power over you anymore.

Sometimes you have to question your irrational fears until there's nothing left to question.