View Full Version : Worried I have Deep Vein Thrombosis

21-04-17, 05:02
My fear comes from the fact that I started taking a contraceptive pill 5 days ago which I know increases the chance of a blood clot. Basically my right leg started and continues to ache (about 12 hours now) and feel heavy and I've had random bursts of pain by my knee and down my calf and even my thigh. But I've also had the urge to keep moving it so I don't know if it could just be restless leg syndrome and I'm worrying for nothing but should I see my GP? There's no noticable swelling or redness apart from what looks and feels like a small bruise.

21-04-17, 12:24
From experience having DVT's quite frequently, one episode caused by the pill, symptoms of DVT do not generally present so quickly after commencing contraceptives.

If you notice the calf especially feeling hot and a dull ache underneath your foot on the same or either side or any redness and swelling it would be advisable to speak with your GP.

The Pill does raise the risk of blood clots esp DVT however it is impossible to tell if your pain is that of DVT.

See your GP if you are concerned :)

Good luck x