View Full Version : Head rush/Zap/Dropping sensation

21-04-17, 07:21
Does this happen to you? It's only happens when i'm sitting, usually at the computer for a long period of time.

I'll get a sudden zap/rush in my head that makes me feel like falling over, lasts for 1-2 seconds and goes away. Happens about once a week for the last year or so. Lately it's been happening a lot, especially when I think about it... I'm worried about seizures or a brain tumor.

I've been on lexapro 5mg for 10 years. I NEVER miss a dose. i may have an astigmatism that isn't treated, inner ear issues too(according to doc)(I've had labrynthitis/vertigo/bppv).

22-04-17, 00:41

22-04-17, 00:48
I've had the zapping sensation. It's terrible.

22-04-17, 02:37
I get the head rush thing, almost feels like my head is going to explode.

I really don't know what that is.