View Full Version : I am scared someone please....

21-04-17, 09:32
I just had a weird thing happen so I was bending over and about to sit when acid reflux acted up and acid came up to the back of my throat. Then like a ball was swallowed went back down. I can feel that my air way feels irritated. I still have a sensation like I have a ball stuck back there. And it has left me with heart palps that I feel my heart is beating not right. I will admit I had a frappe around 8 and dinner around 9 pm so late dinner and then came up to lay down both bad things I know. But with all the times I have woken up gasping for air it's scarring me. It just feels like you are going to die with that sensation. Right now my throat feels funny from the acid that came up and it's scarring me as to can it kill me?

And I know my post I worry about a lot of things... yesterday it was heart palps... today something else.... I'm scared sooooo bad of dying.... this thing though makes me think is it really health anxiety what I have?? People have told me multiple times that I'm all over the place, that it's just not right and doesn't make sense. I could be dealing with mouth pain and I'll think oral cancer and at the same time feel flutters in my chest and think I might be having a heart attack. I mean is this health anxiety??

21-04-17, 15:14
I can totally relate. I've been having the same issue with heart palps/flutters for the past few days. I also have a lot of burping, acid reflux, bloating and such. I just started Celexa and I've noticed more palps. I did read an article about acid reflux and heart palpitations, so it's probably connected. I got my heart palps around 8PM yesterday too.

bin tenn
21-04-17, 16:15
Yes, it is health anxiety. I know very well how all your symptoms feel. Fortunately, I no longer react the way you are now. I used to though, for sure.

21-04-17, 17:20
Once you know the physiology it can help. Your vagus nerve amongst other things affects your heartbeat and any stimulation of this nerve can cause fast heartbeat or missed (ectopic) beats. The vagus nerve runs across the top of your stomach so even just eating too much and having a full stomach can irritate this nerve causing all the heart symptoms. Totally harmless of course but not pleasant.
So acid reflux. full stomach, burping - you name it and this irritates the vagus nerve and can cause all the heart symptoms you are describing.
My Gp said that many many years ago they used to call this "windy heart" as it occured after eating too much and having alot of gas in your stomach.

bin tenn
21-04-17, 23:34
Vagus nerve has been discussed in this kind of topic many times over. It's fine to reiterate but unfortunately (and I've been there myself) it's often not good enough, due to anxiety.