View Full Version : does anyone had or get this?

30-04-07, 18:16
hi all,
i get a feeling that is hard to desribe but i will try my best here goes...... its like a tightening or pulling sensation down my face usually especially from my temples down my cheek bones.its like as though the bones are tightening or like there is an elastic band attached and being pulled down.does anyone else experience anything like this?



30-04-07, 19:14
Hi Lou

Sounds like neuralga - inflammation of the nerves in the face; it can be very painful and the symptoms are similar to those you describe. It's nothing to worry about and can be managed with ibruprofen.

Hope this helps.

Nic x

30-04-07, 21:24
Hi Lou,

It could also be tension, you mention in your other post that you have a young baby, you work and that you are stressed at the moment. Tension is when the muscles all tighten up and can become stiff and painfull. This may sound silly, but make a point of massaging your brow and temples as much as you can! and if you have a partner then it would also be helpful if they could give you a shoulder massage each evening to get those knots out! remember to make some time during the day jst for yourslef, even if it's only a half hour when the baby is having a nap! get yourself a relaxation cd too, it works wonders!

good luck gal!