View Full Version : Excessive saliva, scared of ALS again

21-04-17, 15:02
So a few weeks ago I posted here because I was afraid i had ALS, bulbar onset, because i was having some trouble with speech. 6 weeks later the speech didn't get worse or better, the tongue is still strong and I can swallow fine but for the past 3 days I have a weird issue: Excessive saliva! No matter how much of it I swallow it feels my mouth is always filled with saliva. When I speak sometimes I spit some saliva. I don't think I'm drooling.
So excessive saliva without other bulbar symptoms (tongue weakness, slurring, swallowing issues) cannot be ALS right? Or should I be worried and see a neuro again? (saw one 2 months ago).

21-04-17, 20:50
I've had this and the doctors swear it's anxiety. I also have a throat tightening issue I go through occasionally. It sucks! Eventually it goes away.

21-04-17, 21:17
Please read THIS! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071)

Specifically the part about bulbar. You don't have it!

Positive thoughts

21-04-17, 22:54
I'm emetophobic and worry about excesssive saliva as people often say that they salivate before they throw up. When I begin to worry I salivate more and more, and after some research it is actually a symptom on anxiety in some people, especially when you think & worry about it alot.

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