View Full Version : Incomplete Bowel Movements?

21-04-17, 15:07
Firstly, I am aware that I am on a downward spiral as far as my health anxiety is concerned and this has been the case for a couple of months now. I do have an ultrasound scan due in about a month but I am going on holiday in the meantime and I am really worried that my stressing about this is going to ruin the trip.

I was ill about a week ago, waking up with a migraine that didn't ease up pretty much all day and left me feeling very nauseous. But I wasn't able to throw up at any point, only the water that I had been trying to drink. There were a few black specks in it which of course stressed me out too because of the whole 'coffee grounds' thing but I was told it would need to be far more copious than some specks to be concerned.

I felt better the following day although the nausea still lingered to an extent. Now my appetite is largely back to normal and I've been finishing meals etc. But my bowel movements have been quite loose (which isn't total abnormal for me as I do have IBS) and I am constantly left with a feeling that there should be more when I go but can't shift it. I'll get some twinges around that area and I feel bloated and gassy.

I also had an incident back in January where I felt constipated and pushed much harder than I probably should have and I've been consistently worried ever since that I might have messed something up from doing that. I don't even know if that's possible.

Anyway. Naturally, I fluctuate between bowel cancer, colon cancer, intestinal obstruction...everything really. Any suggestions? Could it just be an IBS flare up from stress? What kind of problems can be caused from over-straining?

21-04-17, 15:17
Hey i had some very similar symptom to you a couple of years ago.
I had bowel movements pretty much all the time and they were haard or soft, or even white once! and felt nauseous, but i only really felt nauseous in the mornings and i didn't eat much or there were some foods which would make feel really bad.
I even rushed myself to the hospital once and they did a full checkup and couldn't find anything wrong.
I went to my local doctor and he gave me 2 types of drugs mebeverine which was to for the bowel movements, and omeprazole for the stomach.

And i have to say after a few days of that it made me feel much better, and better bowel movements, and i changed my diet as well, to eat more greens, I found eating raw celery for the stomach was really good.

Oh and stay away from anything fatty, dairy products, and cold meats! drink more water!!

But also i think it had to do something with that time in my life, buying a house change of jobs etc.. all the stress just piled up.