View Full Version : White cell results. Very scared

21-04-17, 17:46
I had an fbc done twice last year, all fine and gp said I had chronic fatigue and they found a thyroid issue which I've had treated.

My chronic fatigue continued all year so last month I had another fbc which found my neutrophils count was low at 1.6 (range 2-7.5). My lymphocytes were 3.98 (range 1.2-3.65). Gp said to repeat in 3 weeks. I left it 5 weeks as I've had a nasty cystic acne outbreak and lots of glands up due to my spots, common with me. I repeated the bloods yesterday and today results show fbc is fine but neutrophils still low at 1.8 but they've raised which is good but lymphocytes gone up to 4.45. I'm now terrified I have leaukemia or something and I can't speak to my gp until Tuesday.

Has anyone had these raised or low before and can reassure me? I've not had a virus but as I said I've had bad acne recently and raised glands near the spots. The glands are fine now but I've still some spots lingering.


21-04-17, 21:18

Firstly as easy as this is to say try not to worry.

If for one minute they thought you had leukemia or anything like that you'd be in hospital, they wouldn't be leaving you all weekend to fret, they'd be contacting you.

My mum's friend had severe anemia that they thought might have been Leukemia and she was in hospital within hours of having her blood taken. It turned out not to be that but to give you an idea of how quick they act if they are concerned.

If you've recently had outbreaks and glands up it could well be down to that as my friends white cells were elevated and all they could put it down to was an ear infection she'd had weeks before, so sometimes it can take a while for them to go back to normal.

It could also be that you've had viruses at the time the blood was taken.

You also mentioned chronic fatigue which makes you more prone to viruses and things and what was the issue with your Thyroid?

Another friend of mine has hashimotos thyroiditis and they picked that up through her white blood cell count because it's all linked to the immune system.

I'm just trying to give you reassurance that there are lots of reasons why cell counts can be off and the majority of the time it's nothing or something that's easily treated.

Don't panic speak to your doctor on Tuesday but like I said if they were concerned they'd be contacting you not waiting a few days for you to speak to them.

Take care

21-04-17, 22:13
Thank you.

I'm sure he would have rung me last time too but I had to wait a week for a phone call back.

My thyroid is underactive and I'm in thyroxine medication. It's not autoimmune thyroid but it's underactive. It was picked up when I had fatigue issues late 2015.

My gp did say the results would be in the thousands and that my total white cell count would be very high and it's perfect at 6.

Thank you for your reassurance it means a lot tonne.