View Full Version : Heartbeats

21-04-17, 19:59
Sometimes when I start to get anxious and feel weird I go to feel my heart beat on my chest and I dont feel anything. Then I take some deep breaths and walk around for a second and start to feel it again. It makes me so scared everytime. Is this normal?? Does anyone else have this happen to them?

21-04-17, 20:13
this has been happening to me for my entire life, and apparently nothing was wrong with me. I would say youre perfectly fine

21-04-17, 20:35
Chest problems make up 90% of my anxiety symptoms, it's extremely common and it's made worse by paying too much attention to your body, causing hypersensitivity and hypervigilance. In an ideal world, nobody should be feeling their heartbeat or even be aware that it's beating, but when anxiety gets out of control, you take control away from your brain and start to focus on what you think is normal, which confuses and stresses your brain and causes more symptoms, a vicious cycle.

I struggle with these problems daily while I try to find the right combination of treatment to stop these symptoms, i've had them for a long time and I can assure you that you are in no danger. While the symptoms are unpleasant, they cannot harm you in any way.

Take care

22-04-17, 00:21
Well thats encouraging to hear. I just was at the doctors yesterday and now it seems I'm worried again and about different issues I didnt bring up before. Sort of the same for me but its all anxiety about my heart it seems. It does seem to get a hundred times worse the more you focus on it. I just found out about 3 weeks ago I had this anxiety after a few scary panic attacks out of the blue. I have been stressing incredibly the past few months and I guess all that build up finally made me crack. The newest concern is my breathing :shrug: ocassionally I'll get a wavy type breathing that feels like the type of breath i'd get as if I was shaking or extremely nervous. Sometimes after little work, sometimes just laying down, its very irregular. Sometimes when I feel my heart too I think it stops, goes fast then slow, irregular... if its all in my head then my mind is having a good time with me :scared15: