View Full Version : Dragon food

22-04-17, 03:00
Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

22-04-17, 03:08

---------- Post added at 11:38 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

You should ask Nicola to make this a sticky Fish.

22-04-17, 04:02
You should ask Nicola to make this a sticky Fish.

That doesn't sound very pleasant, but I concur.

22-04-17, 04:42
Excellent post.

24-04-17, 00:02
Now I know what I'm going to call my little "pet" in my brain. I constantly tell it what roads not to go down and change my thought process. I agree, instead of feeding the dragon what it wants, starve it. Put as much effort into healing and getting rid of anxiety instead of letting the anxiety get larger!

24-04-17, 00:33
You hit the nail on the head. Thank you for posting.

24-04-17, 02:01
Yes!!! This is exactly the case! Great post, Fishmanpa! This damn Dragon is annoying and I want her to go away!

24-04-17, 04:00
Slay the dragon!

24-04-17, 09:05
Hear hear Snowghost! :)

The 'Dragon' does not like happy, so anything that will make you laugh, smile or feel good will attack the dragon.

25-04-17, 00:26
Great post! Sums up my battle with HA pretty well! :yesyes:

25-04-17, 00:49
Just saw this! Excellent post!

25-04-17, 03:03
You got that right Carnation.

03-11-17, 14:26
This is what you meant by out of dragon snacks huh?...this is very helpful and painfily ture.

Thank you

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

03-11-17, 14:56
I definitely think this thread needs bumping from time to time, Fish ;)

03-11-17, 15:46
This is a fantastic post.

03-11-17, 17:15
I definitely think this thread needs bumping from time to time, Fish ;)

I had forgotten about this... thanks KK and all...

Positive thoughts

03-11-17, 18:45
This is a great post, thank you! After a thoroughly awful downwards spiral with my HA the last 3 weeks, being sent home from Work because of panic attack’s and generally not being able to function as a mother and wife I finally went to a&e today...google had diagnosed with me with absolutely everything. My bloods, scans and urine test today were ALL normal. I have gasteroenteritis. I’ve lost 3 weeks of my life, wasted half term with my kids and driven my poor (amazingly patient) husband batty.

Sod of dragon...I’m done with you!

07-11-17, 20:21
Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts


08-11-17, 22:05

09-11-17, 13:13
This is perfect. And reminds me of the new season of Stranger Things. Thanks Fishman!

09-11-17, 13:37
YES! This explains it perfectly!!

11-11-17, 15:35
It's a good, reassuring post with easy to understand analogies.

What I find interesting is that whenever my fears of some sinister illness come into play, whenever my mind gets obsessed about it due to real or imaginary symptoms, I can find direct of indirect associations and clues to the same or connected illness EVERYWHERE, whether I stumble upon it in some kind of article on a news website, or read it on a social platform, or social media, or forum, or even hear it in the news. Everywhere. It always happens.

11-11-17, 15:51
Great analogy. Last year my primary care doctor referred to my anxiety as the "dragon on my shoulder".

I have thought a lot about my lifelong anxiety struggle as of late. I came to the realization that I have this anxiety and I need to "place" it somewhere. When there is nothing to be anxious about in my life, I find some vague symptom and place it there.

I also look back and reflect on my anxieties along my 46 year journey of life. There were times where my anxiety (the dragon) was almost non-existent. Why, I wonder. For a good portion of my twenties I lived at the gym. I had very little anxiety for those years. I'm guessing there is a correlation. When my kids were babies, my health anxiety dragon was absent. I think my anxiety was placed with the hustle-bustle of being a new mom with all the frenetic things that go on at that time of life... also working full time. As soon as my kids got a little older, my health anxiety seemed to return and has been around for the last 12 years or so. If I have something else in life to "worry" about, I don't worry about my health. hmmm.

13-11-17, 19:00

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

13-11-17, 21:37
This is an excellent post and definitely needs to be bumped regularly or made a sticky.
It sums up my HA perfectly. Damn you Dragon - I'm going to take you on and I WILL win :mad:

Thanks for posting...

27-11-17, 00:25

27-11-17, 00:50
I agree. The metaphor you create works perfectly - I have one issue with it though: the dragon is not the enemy.

there is one thing we all have to realize: we woke the dragon, we hurt the dragon, we punished the dragon, and the dragon's rage is caused by us and only us. the dragon is our partner, the dragon is there to protect us from harm and death. the dragon wakes when we think to be in danger. we need to accept the dragon as our partner, for all it ever wanted, is to keep us save and alive.

I think it is essential to not hate ourselves for having anxiety - this is a part of us, it's for many in their genetics, their literal physical structure. it won't ever go away for good - that would entail ending an essential part of ourselves - something that also gave us incredible powers and sensitivity that other people cannot reach. We are like Targaryens who have not tamed their dragons yet - but at the end of the day, they are our fate.

sorry for that melodramatic GoT references, but I like to think of it that way

27-11-17, 03:42
It's a good, reassuring post with easy to understand analogies.

What I find interesting is that whenever my fears of some sinister illness come into play, whenever my mind gets obsessed about it due to real or imaginary symptoms, I can find direct of indirect associations and clues to the same or connected illness EVERYWHERE, whether I stumble upon it in some kind of article on a news website, or read it on a social platform, or social media, or forum, or even hear it in the news. Everywhere. It always happens.

Totally! It is uncanny how that happens!

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:36 ----------

I agree. The metaphor you create works perfectly - I have one issue with it though: the dragon is not the enemy.

there is one thing we all have to realize: we woke the dragon, we hurt the dragon, we punished the dragon, and the dragon's rage is caused by us and only us. the dragon is our partner, the dragon is there to protect us from harm and death. the dragon wakes when we think to be in danger. we need to accept the dragon as our partner, for all it ever wanted, is to keep us save and alive.

I think it is essential to not hate ourselves for having anxiety -

You lost me with GoT, lol....but....this is VERY interesting.
Anxiety IS something that we all have and all need as it is part of the survival of our species and probably all species..

The thing is, it's haywire in those of us in this group, probably for lots of different reasons.

You make a great point of having to accept that we will always have anxiety, but I guess the issue is a matter of degree and in what proportion to the actual threat.

That's what I hate about anxiety- it makes you, well me, lose the ability to assess what the threat actually is. So, yeah, the anxiety is useful, but the inability to parse out real from imagined is not. Blech.

27-11-17, 04:02
You make a great point of having to accept that we will always have anxiety, but I guess the issue is a matter of degree and in what proportion to the actual threat.

That's what I hate about anxiety- it makes you, well me, lose the ability to assess what the threat actually is. So, yeah, the anxiety is useful, but the inability to parse out real from imagined is not. Blech.

Exactly! Our dragons are exceptionally powerful which is why we have no control over them - we haven't learned to cooperate with them yet. But they are tameable - they exist through us, therefore we need to learn how to measure their power and regulate the intensity. It's like a baby dragon that breaths fire the instant something moves - but we have to teach our dragon that it needs to reserve the fire for actual threat. That's where our rational mind comes into play, and we have to play parent.

27-11-17, 14:23
Very good post. Makes you stop and think for a while..

29-11-17, 21:36

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

04-12-17, 22:15

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

04-12-17, 23:06
GREAT POST! I will refer to it often. Please make it into a sticky.

06-12-17, 17:14

17-12-17, 17:12

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

17-12-17, 22:14
Yes yes and yes.

My dragon must be a happy one! I do feed it so very often. Not much reason for me to behave this way, but I do feed it daily :( It is quite tough to admit to this because I value myself as "coping" with Anxiety disorder. In fact, I kind of try to acknowledge it only to myself, where no one else can see it and then I believe it will be less real. Well not if I keep feeding it.

Thx for this post.

Food for thought. No pun intended!

28-12-17, 21:34

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

02-01-18, 18:58

03-01-18, 21:47

04-01-18, 00:20
Absolutely agree with all of this post. I've had some relapses, but in the times where I've been HA free it's been because I've ignored, resisted and fought against urges to feed it.

Brill post, very insightful as always Fishman!

04-01-18, 00:37
My experience is that anxiety is a series of bad habits reinforced by practice.

It's not actually something that happens to you, it's something you become.

04-01-18, 02:38
Great analogy.

04-01-18, 11:33
I love this post - it describes HA perfectly.
Since i first read it I sometimes find myself telling the dragon to p**s off and and leave me alone, and that I WILL win this battle and slowly kill it :D

I know it's been said many times before but this post really should be a sticky.
So many of us can relate to it and I really think it can help many of us try to understand what's happening to us with HA..

Well done Fishman :yesyes:

09-01-18, 22:39

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

12-01-18, 15:15
Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

I've compared it to a campfire...

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

13-01-18, 21:16

14-01-18, 21:09

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

16-01-18, 04:46
The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Reminds me of something I wrote last year...

The idea is that you personify you anxiety as something that feeds on your fears, obsessions, and compulsions. Every time you feel the urge to check your pulse, count your twitches, google your symptoms, and etc., you are feeding the beast. So when you feel the compulsion to do these things try and visualize yourself refusing to feed it.

The beast will howl and bark, trying everything it can to get you to give in. But you mustn't, because if you do it will come back. It will always come back. The only way to get the beast to leave you alone is not to feed it. It will eventually move on. The beast will occasionally come back to see if you have changed your mind, to see if it can convince you to feed it again, but you must refuse.

The beast doesn't want to help you. It knows that you feel better feeding it. It also knows that you will be enslaved by the process. The beast doesn't care. It needs to feed. Sure, something bad will happen to you someday and the beast will be the first one to say "I told you so." But nothing you did for it prevented that from happening. Remember that the beast only wants to be fed.

20-01-18, 15:45

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

09-02-18, 13:29

12-02-18, 12:54

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

15-02-18, 15:18
Great post. Time for a bump!

15-02-18, 19:19
If your fear is a dragon, that's bad news because you have virtually no chance of defeating it. You need a bunch of high-level professional sword swingers, at least a few magical weapons, two battle mages. Plus a cleric to patch up the wounded - those aren't cheap - and a few good X factors like fire-resistant armor, an elven druid or ranger, or maybe a couple of dwarven warriors. Otherwise you're screwed. Everyone knows that. :( The parasite analogy I can get behind.

15-02-18, 19:29
So important not to feed the dragon no matter how tempting or how vulnerable the dragon appears to be.....

15-02-18, 19:30
So important not to feed the dragon no matter how tempting or how vulnerable the dragon appears to be.....

He often disguises himself as a cute kitty so beware ;)

Positive thoughts

15-02-18, 19:46
Don't let that cute kitty play its games with you.

16-02-18, 11:38
My dragon is constantly wanting fed, finding it hard to resist!!:weep:

20-02-18, 18:13

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

17-03-18, 23:55

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

I've compared it to a campfire...

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

07-04-18, 02:39

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------


07-04-18, 07:11
This is perfect. Thank you.

14-04-18, 22:28

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

14-04-18, 23:22
Nicely put, Fishmanpa. Thank you!

31-03-19, 21:58

01-06-19, 13:35

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts

01-06-19, 15:16
There are some very good analogies there, and they make perfect sense. However, although the solution is simple, it's not that easy. It's a bit like trying to lose weight. The simple formula is 'eat less, do more'. Simple, but not necessarily easy. But I guess we all have to start somewhere, and the Dragon Food analogy is as good as any.

Thank you Fishmanpa for your wisdom.

14-08-19, 12:54

16-10-19, 00:38

16-10-19, 01:58
A good post FMP, the dragon (or whatever else it could be called) feeds off our anxiety & fear which is brought about by our lack of self confidence and resilience and belief in life's processes. When we feel out of control, it takes control and distorts our rationality.

Many of us in the grips of HA have reacted to the dragon (force) in the same way for so long, that it is second nature to us. We have to change our emotional response to health adversity and that's the hard part. Most of us can't do it alone, we need professional help. Saw my Dr yesterday to talk about counselling. Her advice is don't go to a counselor, see a trained psychologist (or psychiatrist) with many years of experience and who has dealt with HA issues before. Mine is a direct result of my dysfunctional childhood, I know it's origins and how it's manifest within me, but changing my response to my HA is my challenge.

16-10-19, 22:34
Thanks so much for this fish. I really needed to read that today! I was bordering on a big google session tonight but reading that has helped me stop.

21-01-20, 15:20

Bill posted a great thread in the GAD section comparing anxiety to a parasite.

Anxiety is like a parasite because it attaches itself within us and then bullies us by creating intrusive thoughts, what if's and worries so it can feed off your fear so it can stay alive.

When you starve it of it's food by not giving it the attention it seeks by not dwelling on the thoughts it creates, it cannot survive

I've compared it to a campfire...

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Some here, including myself call anxiety a dragon. It breathes the fire of worry and doubt, making your life miserable.

So what food does the dragon eat?

Dragon food:

The dragon's favorite food IMO is Google. The dragon sees Google and salivates as you open the browser and type in symptoms. It's like potato chips in that you just can't stop at one and he knows it. Before you know it you've devoured the entire bag of chips and the dragon is breathing his fire full force! Even when he's full he'll get you to keep browsing.

Then there's reassurance. Ahhh... yes... reassurance. The dragon will get you to spend money you don't have on doctors and medical tests. He'll have you seek it from friends and family to the point they want nothing more to do with you. He'll have you come to the forum and post thread after thread and have you hang around for hours and hours, sometimes all day, neglecting your life just to hear something that will quell the worry and doubt if even for a minute. And that's the problem. That's all it typically does until the fires of doubt come burning back into your brain.

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

There are more foods the dragon loves to eat. These are the big three IMO. What do you feed him?

The way to get him under control is to starve him. Like the parasite in Bill's comparison and the campfire in mine. Starving him is the way to get him off your back. Time to start starving the dragon. Don't be shy about asking for help from a professional dragon slayer (therapist) and a fire extinguisher (meds).

Positive thoughts