View Full Version : Depression, Anxiety about Travelling

22-04-17, 11:27
Hi - I have suffered from anxiety & depression since I was 30 (I'm 70 now). Until about 4 years ago it was pretty well managed with meds, but I was switched from imipramine to citalopram 4 yrs ago, and when that stopped working to sertraline + pregabalin. Now that is becoming ineffective. I have been sliding back into depression/anxiety for the past 2 mos. My doc has raised the sertraline dosage from 100 to 150, but so far it hasn't made much difference.

I used to travel quite a bit on my own when I was younger, and always enjoyed it. I even left my life in NY in my late 30s to come to the UK to get married. As I've got older, though, I've become more & more anxious about travelling and being away from home. It's not so much about the travelling itself - it's about the leaving, and being away from the comfort zone of my home.

In a few days, I have to travel - on my own - to Denmark to see relatives. I was excited about this trip when I planned it back in January. I am now in a state of terrible anxiety - waking up every morning with a knot in my stomach and racing heart. I am fearful that this will get worse and worse, and by the time I have to leave (5 days from now) I will be paralysed with fear and unable to go. This would be awful, and I would feel like a total failure.

I'm doing (as best I can) mindfulness meditation to try and quiet my mind and let the anxious feelings and thoughts pass. It helps - but it's getting harder as departure draws nearer.

You'd think I was Anne Boleyn facing execution, and not someone about to take a pleasant break in a lovely place! 😳

I'm hoping someone out there might relate to this, or have some helpful tips or advice on how to keep the runaway anxiety from dragging me along with it. So grateful for any help! ❤️

23-04-17, 05:34
I think they call it anticipatory (? - help me out someone!) anxiety?

It's like preparing for a race and the adrenalin starts pumping preparing you to run fast but you're unable to so you get into a panic because there's no release to burn off the adrenalin.

The only way I know how to cope is to focus on what I need to take and a making a list of things I want to do when I'm there. The key is trying to occupy your mind with something engrossing that you enjoy like crosswords etc.

You will find once the day arrives you'll be absolutely fine because your mind will be too busy thinking about what you need to do next on your journey. Once you start your journey, you'll forget all your worries.

23-04-17, 23:37
You are speaking my language!

I have a big trip to Europe planned in the next couple of months and I was so excited when I booked it. Now as it looms, I just want to run for the hills. I cannot stop thinking about it, it's consuming my thoughts!

I hope everything goes alright - I'm convinced you'll be able to get onto that plane.

Big hugs :)