View Full Version : I am a loser!

30-04-07, 19:27
Yep...me again! All i ever do is whinge. I am sorry if i'm p'ing you off with my constant negativity.

I have work tomorrow, TWO whole minutes from my house...and already i am getting all worked up about it. I've worked there every Tuesday for almost a year, so why NOW am i freaking out about it????????

I am getting so much worse, i can feel i am. I went to the shop this morning, heart pounding, panic rising. I stood in the queue thinking "How the F am i going to get home!?" By the time my stuff had gone through the cashdesk i was on the verge of a panic attack.

I just have no idea how to pull myself out of this one. I'm just SO tired and very scared of panic.

Sorry to moan...

Sarah x

30-04-07, 19:46
Sarah we`ve all been there, a lot of us have made the excuses and not gone reinforcing the fear but then had to face twice as much later.

You`ll get there and do it cos you want to, then you`ll come in here tomorrow and wonder why the fuss :D

30-04-07, 20:12

It is called anticipatory anxiety and I think we have all been there, done it and got the t-shirt.

Why don't you write down how you feel about it now and the positive/negatives then when you get there tomorrow and feel fine - add to those with how you ACTUALLY felt.

You can then refer to this next time and know that even though you felt so bad today once you got there you were fine.

30-04-07, 20:20
No Sarah - you are not a loser. You are going through a rough patch and doing the best you can to come through it.

Tomorrow will arrive and you will be able to cope. It's often the worry beforehand that's hardest to deal with.

You can do it Sarah :hugs:

Karen xx

30-04-07, 20:37
oooo sarah, I know what you are going thru and its horrible BUT,
its all down to "thoughts" thoughts that you may not even be aware of !

And something else Ive realised about my own panic attacks, that its all down to social anxiety....its taken me 6 years to work this one out.
Basically when you have to perform in front of others, you feel that others are watching you closely and therefore maybe critisizing you or judging you.

So next time you go, watch your thoughts, infact write your thoughts down.
I have a good book all about this called
Overcoming social anxiety and shyness by Gillian Butler.

30-04-07, 21:34
Hi Sarah.

Have a hug first :hugs:

I agree with mirry and carl - the 'germ under the microsope' feeling.

I actually did make an excuse once and left a very important meeting because I thought everybody there knew far more than me and were laughing at me. They weren't of course but it felt very real at the time.

And now I have to face another one in a couple of weeks - and yes, I'm trying to think of excuses. :weep:

But it is just our negative thoughts trying to get the better of us. And we must kick them into touch - especially when it's over something we've managed to do ok before.

You can do this Sarah because you are not a loser in any way shape or form.

You are a survivor.
