View Full Version : You have a disease - it's called Anxiety

22-04-17, 16:16
Anxiety is a disease. It's a disease that needs to be treated just like any other disease - diabetes, hypertension. It can be acute or chronic (panic attacks vs general anxiety disorder). And it can be managed.

Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling of fear or apprehension, often accompanied by vague physical feelings (cardiovascular and GI): these can include but not limited to:
-restlessness or feeling keyed up
-easily fatigued
-difficulty concentrating
-muscle tension
-difficulty falling or staying asleep
-GI disturbances (primarily diarrhea)

There are also higher rates of cardiovascular disease and irritable bowel syndrome (which came first, chicken or the egg).

Symptoms of a Panic attack
-shortness of breath or smothering
-feeling of choking
-chest pain
-dizzily or light headedness
-chills or heat sensations
-paresthesias (the feeling of prickling, tingling, numbness on your skin)
-depolarization or derearlization
-fear of losing control
-fear of dying

There are so many ways to manage your symptoms without running to the ER every time your heart speeds up. There are several forms of therapy, there are several medications with extremely tolerable side effects. There is no shame in needing any of these treatments for your anxiety - people need treatment for illnesses all the time. Please, the next time you rush to google or rush to the doctor, stop and think, and continue to make that appointment but let your focus be on treating the actual real disease you have.

I'll be logging off for a while, and hopefully forever. I have focused on treating my irrationalities and panic attacks over my own health and aside for some obvious bumps in the road, I feel on the verge of success. As much as I want to help each and every person who posts a panicked thread, you can only do so much if they don't want to help themselves. I've learned this with my current patients as I move more deep into practicing medicine and I hope to use my experience to really help and understand those who come to me with their problems.

Anxiety is a real disease. Do yourself a favor and seek treatment.

All the best wishes in the world!
PASchool (Amanda :) )