View Full Version : How to not get tricked by symptoms?

22-04-17, 17:42
I have health anxiety and experience different symptoms when I am either consciously or unconsciously in a "threatening" situation. They feel very real! The symptoms are actually there, there is no inconvenience. But why does my body try to trick me into thinking, for example, that I'm allergic to perfume and that I can not breathe? I have developed an extreme sense of smell, and if I smell a strong smell, I get different respiratory problems. It feels like the whole body system is hyperactive and that I react negatively to EVERYTHING!¨

But I don't think I really ARE allergic, because I am very afraid of being that - and that make my body react when I'm really not reacting for real. What can I do to not get tricked?

I can tolerate parfume when I'm comfortable. It's so wierd... :whistles: