View Full Version : can't stop thinking about distressed stranger

22-04-17, 18:07
My mother recently told me about a woman who stopped her in the street to ask if there were any Churches near by as she needed somebody to talk to. She then became very upset and started crying, my friend asked what was wrong and she said her mother had died a few weeks ago and then her sister shortly after and she had no-one left. My friend pointed her in the direction of a church and a civic centre who may have contact numbers to help her.
As soon as my mother told me this story I felt like crying and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since. I can't bare the fact that she has no one to turn to and I worry that she wouldn't have gotten any help from either of the places my mother suggested.
It's strange that I don't know this woman yet every time I think about her I start to cry. I've become very emotional in general after my own fathers death 3 years ago but I really can't shake this woman's story off.
Any advice,please.

22-04-17, 19:02
Firstly how kind that you care so much, many wouldn't.
I had a similar experience the other day, I was in a public toilet and an older lady was crying, there were a few others there but they were ignoring her, anyway I went up to her and asked if she was Alright, could I help her etc but she said no but Thankyou. Well I haven't stopped wondering if she is since ok, was she sick, did someone die ...but what I find has helped is saying a prayer that God looks after her, this has left my mind more peaceful about it. You could try it, if we care so much why wouldn't God?

23-04-17, 05:00
I must admit if I were there and I was able, I'd have gone with her to the church to make sure she got help and that way I'd know she was in safe hands.

However, if I was in your position, I'd go to the church, describe the woman and see if they remembered her because it would then reassure you but if they couldn't, it would just have to be something you would have to accept that your friend did all they could at the time and say to yourself, she would get help one way or another because she was able to reach out.

A few years ago I was in a shop and I noticed the young female shop assistant working in Past Times had cuts on her arm. It worried me after I left because I was sure they were deliberate but couldn't and didn't know what to say at the time. A week later I went shopping again and I decided to try and see her again to see if I could help in some way. I wasn't sure how she would react but I asked her how she hurt herself. She just smiled and replied You know, don't you. She wanted to talk to me further but the shop was too busy but she did tell me she was getting help. I also gave her NMP's address among others but when I went back to the shop the following week it had closed down so I've never known what happened to her. All I say to myself is that she was getting help and I just hope she's doing ok now wherever she is. She was such a lovely girl though and it still makes me feel so sad that she was suffering at the time. Maybe one day I'll find out what happened to her....I hope

23-04-17, 05:11
It just tells me you are a compassionate person. You too, rooby.

However, there is a need to be able to reconcile these emotions without them upsetting you so much. It's jst something to work on.

I found things like this hit me more when I was in more low mood states. This was when I was struggling a lot more though.

It's nice to help a stranger but just pointing them in the direction is also help.

Whether your mum chooses to follow it up is up to her, she's likely being a bit more objective about the encounter.