View Full Version : pain in arm

30-04-07, 19:42
im really disappointed because id been managing my anxiety well but the the last few days have been a nightmare.ive got a pain in my left arm and also numbness,im panicing incase its something serious even though it could easily be explained as im carrying my baby around all the time and sit at my work desk leaning on that arm all the time.but i still need reassurance other people get this.im sick of this anxiety ruleing my life.i feel like the last 10 years ive let go by without enjoying properly and i feel like i get people down by always complaining of aches and pains when everyone else just gets on with things but i cant.im quite stressed at the moment aswel.

30-04-07, 21:16
Hi there,

Yeah i have had the same or should i say similar! but when i think back , it's always been something ive been doing or the way ive been leaning on my arm! I think your right when you say, you have been carrying the baby around or the way you have been sitting at your desk, it's probably the cause right enough!

Try to carry the baby with the other arm for a day or two and the same when sitting at your desk, be concious of the way you are sitting/leaning for a day or two and see if your symptoms either change or go away!! i'm sure you will find this will help you!!

best wishes

01-05-07, 12:14

I get pain in my left arm to. I do lie on my arm when im sleeping sometimes so its probably that but i always think the worse.

Take care

love mandie x

02-05-07, 19:38

I get that too, do you get alot of neck pain? If you do that can contribute to the arm pain, nerves running down the arm, that's what the Dr told me.

miss motown
10-05-07, 23:16
i get alot of pain down my left arm and it does send me in to a panic sometimes i get the pain in my right arm but that dosent seem to bother me as such it just goes to show any pain down yor left arm we all asume its goina be a heart attack but when its the right we dont give it a second thought its just pain due to as you say lifting and carrying so dont stress to much over it

11-05-07, 01:57
I have been having that same pain all evening.A sharp radiating pain.. hurts really bad.. But now that I think about it I have been laying on my left side most of the day on the bed posting. but still it scares me.. I get numbness to at night when i lay on this side and type but its because the blood circulation isnt ciruculating.. So well that pretty much explains mine I think and hope and well what you said that you did with your arm probably would explain a lot too.. Good luck and God bless think you are just worrying too much and you will be fine.. Michael

14-05-07, 16:25

last year i suffered shooting pains down my arm, i went to the docs and had ecgs and allsorts and it came back as anxiety.

as soon as i knew it was nothing i began to relax and it eventually went off

i know how you feel though