View Full Version : worrie about your lymph nodes?

22-04-17, 20:58
I see a lot of threads about lymph nodes, and I for one can understand the concern lymph nodes can bring someone. I have started several threads about my lymph nodes expressing my concerns, I won't explain what a lymph node is as I am sure you already know by now, but instead I will try to explain what you're doing wrong, I made the mistake of going to the internet for information, and that alone was enough to drive me insane and that's what landed me here. If you have palpable or swollen nodes and you have been checked by a doctor and have had at least a ultrasound and complete blood count and the doctor said you are fine then chances are you're fine, the worst thing to do is to keep poking at them because this will cause them to remain palpable or even get bigger, sometimes lymph nodes are permanently palpable and that's just something you have to accept. I tell you these things because I spent the last 7 months poking and rubing my lymph nodes and now I don't even have to look for them I can just gently touch the skin and tell there is a lymph node right underneath, they also become sore at times and this is most likely due to the constant touching, so please refrain from touching so much, if you want to keep an eye on it than maybe one touch every week. I've spent days and nights convinced I have cancer, I have been living life in very dark depressing place and if I could take it all back and never prod those nodes I would. So to sum up what I've said, see a doctor once the doctor says you're fine leave it at that unless the node starts growing for another reason other than prodding or if you develop other symptoms. I am not over my anxiety but I am telling you what has helped me lately ease the anxiety. There are people on here who has had cancer in their lymph nodes and they can tell you what seems serious and what doesn't because they have experienced it first hand. Good luck to all and best wishes.