View Full Version : afraid the bones in my feet are dissolving

23-04-17, 03:20
So I've written here about having a hereditary form of peripheral neuropathy.
I'm now freaking out that I have a rare complication of PN called "charcot joint" where all the bones in your foot collapse.
I have a red bump on the top of one foot. The specialist I met last week thought it was arthritis. However I googled and learned about an extreme form of bone dissolution that can affect you if you have PN and basically means you're walking around on fractured feet.
I went to the ER yesterday where they did X-rays and found nothing. This was after failing to make an appointment with my podiatrist for another week and a half. However I learned from Dr Google that early on most X-rays find nothing.
I posted a foot pic to my Facebook CMT group and two people said I should be concerned. It's rare but not unheard of.
I don't know how I am going to deal with the next week. Maybe I'm over reacting? I'm fearing the total collapse of my arch and foot now.

This condition sounds annoying like ALS in that there are many stories of long diagnoses, etc. The clear Xray didn't do anything to reassure me and I am convinced the orthopedist didn't know what he was talking about. UGH. At least I have the ER covered by insurance. I haven't been there in a year and a half so I don't think I'm abusing it or anything.

23-04-17, 03:37
I have a red bump on the top of one foot. The specialist I met last week thought it was arthritis. However I googled.... I went to the ER yesterday where they did X-rays and found nothing.... However I learned from Dr Google that early on most X-rays find nothing.

Fed the Dragon eh?

Positive thoughts

23-04-17, 04:20
yeah, I know. I mean, I have a real thing (hereditary neuropathy), I want to remain educated about it, but this anxiety is overwhelming.
You've written about your health conditions. How do you balance remaining knowledgeable with remaining sane?

23-04-17, 04:56
Two people on Facebook thought it worth looking into yet a medical specialist sees no reason too. Did these people mean it's worth asking for it to be checked out or worth checking out because they fear it is the rare problem? If the latter, what are the odds vs. he highly trained & experienced specialist?

Given your physical condition, it makes sense to follow things up but looking for the rare is just jumping the gun. Cognitive Distortions doing their work.