View Full Version : 7 year old son having palpitations

23-04-17, 11:36

Does anyone know anything about Brugada Syndrome?

We have it in my family.

There is a special test you have to try to provoke the heart to show the special ECG Brugada sign

My sister and cousin are positive, my cousin's son had a sudden cardiac arrest but was saved.

Ive had the test and was negative as was my mother, other sister and other cousin.

2 times this week, my son has been rushed to A&E as he was havng palpatations.

I know it's genetic and I worry i may have passed it on to him. Maybe my amount of gene isnt enough to provoke the ECG.

This really isnt doing my anxiety any good.

There is obviously something in the family with people being positive and negative.

Why would a 7 year old have palpitations? :weep::weep:


23-04-17, 13:37
I had heart palpitations as a child. Are they planning on doing that test or sending him to a cardiologist for some tests?

23-04-17, 17:58

Thank you for replying.

No, they dont do the test as it is not reliable in children, only adults.

We are waiting to see the paed doctor at the local hospital.

We saw her last year and my son had a holter monitor for a week and nothing showed. She said he may be having SVT but really, how does she know if nothing was seen on the holter?

I want to be referred to a cardiologist but have been told we have to see local consultant first.

Did you see a cardiologist when you were a child? If so, why did you have palpitations?

Im in such a state.
