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View Full Version : Panicking - I think I may have hit my head while asleep

23-04-17, 11:49
So last night I was hungover, I couldn't sleep due to noisy neighbours and then when I finally did drift, I woke up with what felt like a punch to the head and my forehead hurt. I didn't wake up next to the wall so at first I thought I just jumped in my sleep but now that I had a red mark where it hurts, I am assuming I banged my forehead.

This happened around 5am today so about 6 hours ago and I managed to get some sleep and woke up with no headache and it's only a bit tender if I press in that red mark. I feel extremely anxious and feel like one of my ears is slightly clogged and a tiny but numb. This is on the same side as the red mark but I know if I hurt my brain there, it would be opposite side that would feel it, I think?

I've shined light into my eyes and my pupils constrict and dilate as normal and I have no dizziness, sickness etc.

I just feel extremely anxious that I've done damage and that I should go to A&E which terrifies me
. The fact I wrote out this post is a good sign I know, I'm just finding it hard to control my anxiety right now and don't want to wake my partner up when he didn't get much sleep either thanks to our neighbours

23-04-17, 13:01
1. You are not seriously injured.

2. How/when should you be worried?, pounding headache (hemorrhage), vision problems, hearing issues, incapacitating dizziness. All of which you have clarified you do not have.

3. I have no doubt that you are fine.

23-04-17, 13:03
Thanks for your reply. I've calmed down now and can see it what for it is. The panic attack I took earlier while making this thread was unbearable and now I feel like an idiot for making the thread.

23-04-17, 13:12
Thanks for your reply. I've calmed down now and can see it what for it is. The panic attack I took earlier while making this thread was unbearable and now I feel like an idiot for making the thread.

I don't think you should feel like an idiot, many of us have the same issues and I doubt there is anyone who can claim there isn't at least one instance where we felt silly.

EDIT: Human skulls are pretty durable, it would take an extreme amount of external pressure to cause brain damage. No matter what stuff you see in the media and movies.

23-04-17, 18:08
Can relate, bumped my head a few days ago and got worked up about it. Still worked up but I'm still here so that says something huh?

Think the rule is if you aren't vomiting and losing consciousness or falling over chances are you are okay. Might have a headache for a few days.

24-04-17, 03:33
I'm sure the chances of you actually having done anything in the middle of the night is very slim. Seems to me that you're just not 100% about your health at the moment., but there is no need to worry. I doubt anything serious happened.

I'm glad you've slowly calmed down.