View Full Version : Have you ever had IV sedation for dental work?

23-04-17, 12:45
Hey guys so I was at the dentist last week for a check up and apart from needing the odd filling, I need two teeth extracted and the dentist has recommended extraction them while I sedated as it won't be normal extractions as they are fractured under the gumline. I have my assessment at the local dental hospital on 1st June.

As you can imagine, I'm pretty nervous about sedation. I've had it once when I had a colonoscopy years ago when I was about 15 but that was before the worst of my anxiety problems started.

Have you ever been sedated for dental work?

23-04-17, 13:21
Is local anaesthetic considered sedation? If so, then yes 2 weeks ago I had wisdom teeth removed with LA. The third wisdom tooth gave me anxiety so they stopped and said I need to come back and do it under general anaesthetic. That side of my face ended up swelling to the size of a golf ball despite no removal but just because they started on it n stitched it back up

What is it about sedation that worries you? I would assume the procedure is scarier. Imagine doing it without sedation!!

23-04-17, 13:23
No, sedation isn't the same as local anesthetic. LA numbs you but sedation puts you into an altered state of mind pretty much. You can't remember the procedure but apparently you are still awake for it but it would feel like a general anesthetic to the patient as you pretty much feel like you go to sleep and wake up a second later and it's all done but you can feel spacey and groggy after it

23-04-17, 15:22
I had sedation to have an impacted wisdom tooth surgically removed by my dentist. They called it "twilight sleep" or something. It was one of the strangest feelings I've ever had. Not in a bad way. Went in and sat down. They put the IV in and the dentist and me were chatting about Japan where he'd just honeymooned. The next thing I know I was looking at my heart rate monitor and 90 minutes had passed. I felt fine, if not a bit giddy and dizzy. I had to have my mum pick me up, they wouldn't let me leave otherwise.
It was not like any previous sedations. Like with a colonoscopy or endoscopy I can feel myself drifting off into sedation. The dentist one I never actually felt I slept and I never had the feeling of waking up. It was though time just disappeared. I guess it's a different sedation as you need to be semi conscious to hold your mouth open etc.
Anyway, not a bad experience at all. The pain that evening wasn't so great though.

24-04-17, 00:18
I've had sedation for procedures other than dental about 6 times now. I am the same way when it comes to anxiety due to going under, especially when you hear the one random horror story out of the millions that endure sedation for procedures.

I literally had surgery this past Thursday for my wrist. This time I was nervous, as usual, but once again everything was OK. The Anesthesiologist and his team were quite understanding and nice about it (I told him I get anxious about it). Before I knew it was I was on the table, they pushed some meds in, and the next thing I knew it I was in the recovery room.

Overall it's quite safe, and it's better than being awake for these procedures! You'll be fine. It's actually quite nice waking up from the deep sleep. :)

24-04-17, 19:53
I've had two procedures for wisdom tooth extraction, I was fully under for both, and it is absolutely excellent. One minute you're in the dentist chair and the next you're waking up in a comfy chair under a blanket. Now, there are different levels of sedation you can get at a dentist (at least in the US) I believe I was a step above the "twilight sleep" mentioned above, I don't recall anything about either procedure. When you have your assessment, just make sure to ask about what options they offer and what levels of sedation they have.

bin tenn
25-04-17, 00:04
I've not had IV sedation, but a few weeks ago the dentist had me take a sedative-hypnotic - Halcion. I was great during the appointment. No side effects at all. I thought "what are they talking about, I'm awake while they're doing their stuff." Well, a few hours afterward and I didn't recall 90% of what happened. LoL.

25-04-17, 02:25
Yes and it was wonderful

25-04-17, 02:28
Yes and it was wonderful

Great answer! ~lol~ I've had sedation for some other procedures. Definitely the good stuff!

Positive thoughts

26-04-17, 00:54
I was sedated to get all my teeth out! I was so scared before but it was not a big deal! So much easier than being awake for it!