View Full Version : Bloating/digestion problems from anxiety

23-04-17, 13:25
For the past 2 months I have been suffering from extreme anxiety. In the past week or so I have noticed the sides of my lower abdomen are swollen - both sides hut the middle is normal. I normally have very fast metabolism and eat healthy so I don't even know how bloating/digestion issues look like and whether this is normal.

I have shown it to my doctor (cause at first I obviously panicked its lymph nodes) and he said thats just intestines and then went off topic so it seemed like it didn't strike him as anything concerning - so I am telling myself it is not.

However, I also started getting cramming in that area which doesn't get any better after I go to the toilet (sorry for some tmi here). I was also constipated for a day and a half (which NEVER happens to me as I said I have very fast metabolism) but even after that it didnt get better.

Since my doctor didn't seem to worry about it and I know anxiety can affect digestion in many ways I'm telling myself nothing is wrong and that it could just be my body responding to months of high level anxiety. However I can feel myself slowly going down HA road wondering stuff such as "why is it only bloated on the sides" / "why does the cramming not stop". So instead of googling symptoms which was very tempted I decided to post here if anyone is familiar with this symptoms.

Elizabeth Fry
23-04-17, 14:21
I get similar symptoms from ibs - constipation etc. I get pain too mainly on one side but it can be in different places. You're right severe anxiety causes digestive disturbances. I hope this helps.

23-04-17, 17:57
I get stomach and digestive issues when I'm worked up with my anxiety. In fact just this morning felt nauseous after breakfast because I'm in a tizzy. So it's not unusual.

23-04-17, 18:12
Anxiety can cause a lot of digestive issues. Before I developed PTSD, I had rarely every had heart burn. I developed GERD because of the extreme anxiety that I was having. I was producing more stomach acid.

The best advice I can give you is to get your anxiety under control. For me, that meant therapy and antidepressants and some lifestyle changes.

24-04-17, 12:51
I'm still not feeling better, this morning I woke up with pelvic pains? Can that also be caused by IBS/digestion? Cause I was surprised by it and I was drinking herbal teas all day yesterday and eating heathy foods...

There's also another weird symptom my groin area is slightly swollen but like on the outer parts more towards the hip bone so idk if theres lymph nodes still? Also as I said the doctor checked my lymph nodes and literally all the blood tests 3 days ago and said it was all fine and hes a specialist, but that area is definitely swollen and as far as I know bloating doesnt get that low (like around that V groin area but towards the outerside). Is it possible that could still be from upset digestion?

I called my doctor he didnt seem concerned at all so he told me to just stick to my already premade regular check up appointment which isnt until next week... like I know I was just checked out just a couple of days ago, my doctor also checked all tumour markers to try to stop my cancer paranoia and they were fine, but the swelling especially is scaring me and I can feel myself getting more anxious and irrational every hour. So I was just wondering any experiences with that or words of reassurance? Could it all just be due to an upset digestion?