View Full Version : Hiv scare after 3 operations

23-04-17, 13:34
Hello everyone. Thank you for this forum. I am british, but had 3 operations in the last 12 months in Czech Republic. The clinics were reputable as far as I can tell but recently I have started to worry that maybe I could catch Hiv there. I have no symptoms , never felt sick after the operations ( it was skin removal after extensive weight loss) . How likely is it to catch HIV during an operation? I also had extensive dental work done in Britain 2 weeks before goint to Prague and pre-operative examination showed I did not have the virus. I would greatly appreciate if you could disscuss this issue with me. Thank you so much in advance

24-04-17, 08:18
Why on earth would you think you would have contracted HIV in probably some of the cleanest places in the world?

Furthermore, HIV is contracted by bodily fluids so unless your surgeons decided to cut themselves and drop blood inside of you there is absolutely no way you have contracted it. And no, HIV cannot be airbourne or anything of the sort if you're wondering. HIV doesn't survive outside living organisms

24-04-17, 17:59
Thank you very much for answering. I guess that is because I have read several stories in the last couple of days how dentists infected their patients in their practice. So my anxiety just went to overload.

BTW, my friend has a phobia that a barman has cut himself and his blood dropped into his drink. If you have some knowledge about thi issue, i there a remote possibility to get infected like that? I will show him the answer . thank you xxx

25-04-17, 08:23
Absurd thought. These were probably really old aged practises using infected equipment.

HIV cannot survive outside of the body and certainly cannot survive in an alcoholic drink. Zero risk. Stop worrying

25-04-17, 09:58
The chance is as close to 0 as it could possibly be. You'd be multiplying one hugely unlikely event (a surgeon has HIV) with another (the procedures of the theatre in a modern hospital is dangerously and criminally lapse) with another (the doctor has a cut that somehow hasn't been covered by their scrubs) with another (this manages to infects you). You're talking so unlikely that's it's as good as zero.

Remember doctors don't want to catch things off patients either!!!

26-04-17, 19:51
thank you so much for all your answers. I think I let it go now. Feeling much better xxx