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View Full Version : MS worries!!

23-04-17, 13:44
Iv just found this forum and wanted to post my story to see if I can put my mind at ease.

Around 4 months ago I started to have pains down one side of my body, a burning in armpit and breast then a stabbing pain in my groin and then weird feeling is my knee!

Behind my leg on the right (the side where all this pain happens) feel quite hard like the muscle is constantly contracted behind my thigh but it isn't!

I sent the doctor about this who just said we all have pains every now and then. But this has been constant for 4 months!

Anyway since then I started on ant depressants to get my anxiety under control which seemed to be working and the pains sub sided a little, but since then I have been having feelings of wet/cold patches on my right leg now for a week. Sometimes in my right arm.

The thing that's bothering me is these sensations and pains are only ever in my right side never my left! Which is leading me to the conclusion that this is something serious like MS!

23-04-17, 14:07
So when I had MS worries and went to A&E for the second time (my whole body was completely numb but otherwise i kept experiencing twitching and pins and needless all over constantly) the doctor there told me that if it was MS or something neurologically related I wouldnt only be experiencing all these sensations but I would also have problems moving certain parts of my body - as long as all my muscles are working and responding fine theres nothing to worry about. While I'm not sure whether that's completely accurate or if he just said it to calm me down bc he could clearly see it was anxiety, but I chose to believe it and since my 'MS symptoms' disappeared.

I think by now your doctor would send u for further check ups if he thought it was something potentially worrying. Also don't forget theres multiple symptoms with MS random pains in the body itself are very unlikely to mean that. Also as far as I know MS is much more likely with family history of it rather than happening just like that (but thats from what ive heard obvs im not a doctor)

23-04-17, 19:29
Thanks for your reply.

Yes I'm hoping your right, its just really concern to me that I only get these sensations/pains in the right side. MS never even entered my mind but since reading about it I can't seem to find another explanation, I wanted to put it down to anxiety but having them only down one side and also this being around for 4 months I cant seem to think it is.

24-04-17, 05:18
it could be psychosomatic cause u now think about it a lot

or it could be a trapped nerve/bad posture/muscle tension/the way you sleep/ stuff like that maybe visit a chiropractor see if they can help

24-04-17, 08:49
Keep in mind your body isn't really symmetrical. It's OK to have things happening on one side and not the other! It sounds like muscle tension to me. Try some stretches and yoga and I'm sure it'll subside.

It doesn't like like MS at all.

24-04-17, 11:14
Just came back from doctors,
said it dosnt sound like ms as i would have weakness and problems with my Vision, she said she dosnt want to investigate it further as she knows it would come back normal and then I would latch on to something else. She didn't want to increase or change my tablets as I have only just upped them and she said it hasn't been long enough to feel the full benefit, so it's just a waiting game again, but I know now il just he waiting for a weakness or vision problems now!

I really feel like everything that happens is now put down to my health anxiety! I really can't get out of this spiral it's ruining my life, I'm taking my tablets and on the waiting list for CBT I'm doing everything I can to push this down to it being my anxiety but I feel like I'm fighting and losing battle. Half of me is saying pay private and have a scan and half is saying will that be enough?

This cold sensation in my leg is not going anywhere and it's really getting to me now! If it would go away maybe I could get the anxiety in order. I'm so fed up

24-04-17, 12:04
This is hypocritical for me to say currently as I have regressed into a bit of an old MS scare but I had my big MS scare last year. I was getting about four symptoms specific to MS which I wont name but I was sure it was MS. Nothing would convince me otherwise.

My doctor was sure it was not MS, he literally said "I will bet my mortgage". In the end he ordered a MRI scan of my brain and said it was to cure my anxiety, not to show that I had MS. He made me think before he booked me in and explained how much the NHS are struggling and how expensive MRIs were. But, this was before I knew what Health Anxiety was, before I discovered this forum, before I even knew how powerful anxiety can be so I said absolutely let me have the MRI.

Guess what? The scan came back completely clear. I was absolutely sure it was MS before this. I had symptoms, convinced well and truly. I'm saying this to make you aware how strong it can be.

24-04-17, 12:12
It's horrible, I really am trying my hardest to get through this but my mind just won't let me!
I'm trying to rationalise how many people have this fear on here and it turning out to be nothing! Also how rare ms actually is and this being my only symptom. But still I come back to it, I have such a beautiful life and so much to look forward to and this is absolutely ruining it all!

It's everyday though for 4 months Iv been having these problems this is why I just can't seem to settle it being "just" anxiety! Everyone's else's seem to come and go or be all over the body. Mine is in one area and constant. I just don't know what to do anymore

24-04-17, 12:26
I was exactly like you when I had my MS scare last year. Exactly. People have seriously, physically, been affected by anxiety so much that they can be bed ridden. It is a powerful creature.

One of my anxiety symptoms (MS scare) was dizziness. I had it full time for five months. It gradually went after I finally accepted how powerful anxiety can be.

28-04-17, 20:58
I'm still panicking :( ended up in the doctors today as it was getting worse and I went into a spin!

I was happy I went though as she didn't just dismiss it like others and she tested all my reflexes and also looking in my eyes and she tested my strength, which she said is absolutely fine and said she dosnt suspect anything wrong but that also dosnt mean that my symptoms weren't real.

She's sent me for a vit b blood test, which I really don't think will come back with anything as I eat a varied diet etc

She also sent me for a "pears" eye test which my option done today and she also said she couldn't see anything from the eye side of thing and everything looked perfectly normal.

I still have this dead leg/tingly feeling so I have no idea, I just really want it all to go away now