View Full Version : Citalopram And Bupropion together

23-04-17, 16:09
Hello all new to the site. I have been reading some of your excellent post and want to thank you all for sharing. Here is my situation, I am going through a horrible divorce, once it is final it will be so much better for me. Well the divorce/custody battle became too much for me to handle so I started taking 150 mg of Bupropion that helped some but my anixety flew through the roof, bad! I started taking 20 mg of citalopram with the Bupropion each morning at the same time. Overall I seem to be doing better but still have bad days, but much better! Can someone please tell me about this combination of meds? Is this a good combination? After taking the Burpropion I realized I have been dealing with anxiety way too long without knowing what my problem really was! I started Burpropion in early December and Citalopram 10mg two months again and upped to 20 mg a month ago. Any info on the combination will be much helpful. At some point I think I may switch only to Citalopram because I believe that is my core problem. I also take Ativan 5mg SOMETIMES, before bed. Thank you and I am looking forward to some input!!!

---------- Post added at 09:09 ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 ----------

And I am finding out Wellbutrin/Burpropion is not given in the U.K. great :/. Well hopefully someone here knows about this combination. Thanks

23-04-17, 22:35
Hello all new to the site.

Welcome to No More Panic, :welcome:

so I started taking 150 mg of Bupropion that helped some but my anixety flew through the roof, bad!

Bupropion (Wellbutrin) is generally the most stimulating of the antidepressants which can be a positive for depression, but will have many with anxiety almost literally climbing the walls. That said, some do very well on it.

I started taking 20 mg of citalopram with the Bupropion each morning at the same time. Overall I seem to be doing better but still have bad days, but much better! Can someone please tell me about this combination of meds? Is this a good combination?

It can be, but it seems it may not be for you.

At some point I think I may switch only to Citalopram because I believe that is my core problem. I also take Ativan 5mg SOMETIMES, before bed.

I suspect you will do better on citalopram alone, but you could continue taking a small dose of bupropion to ease sexual dysfunction which is a fairly common SSRI side-effect. Most can handle 75mg doses without it increasing anxiety.

I also take Ativan 5mg SOMETIMES, before bed.

Is this for anxiety, or insomnia? If the latter it might be better to take something else as tolerance to the sedating effect of benzodiazepines tends to build relatively quickly. Immediate-release trazodone (Desyrel) has become the de facto standard drug for antidepressant induced insomnia.

24-04-17, 15:26
Bupropion is only licenced in the UK for smoking.. It's an expensive med, hence being pretty restricted, or least that was the situation last I checked it out.

Are you in the UK for some reason? Travelling? Just wondering because it says you're in the US and your knowledge of our health service might be limited. Whilst the NHS might be against using Bupropion outside of smoking, it could be used off label by a psychiatrist and we also have a private sector who aren't limited by NHS guidelines anyway.

26-04-17, 13:44
No I am not in the U.K. after my original post I saw some old post that stated Burpropion was not widely used for depression over there. I assumed my replies may be limited due to that fact. Thank you for the replies and thank you for this site!