View Full Version : At wits end

23-04-17, 22:01
Hi All
I hope you are all managing or more than managing with your panic attacks.
Life is HARD
I am having panic attacks constantly for the last couple of months and its just too much.
I started prozac 7 weeks ago which has not stopped the panic attacks, upped my dose to 40 mgs 12 days ago and feeling more on edge the last few days.
I am losing hope and worrying that the medication may not work this time.
I am finding it impossible to get out of bed in the morning/afternoon since on the 40mgs of prozac yet my anxiety is sky high still.
My head feels so fuzzy and like something squeezing or moving on the top of my head and it feels like I am going to have a seizure as my head makes me feel so odd. If panic attacks didn't affect my head then I think I could cope but my head has always been my sensitive spot. It feels like it is turning rigid when I am in the middle of a panic attack and it is extremely scary.
I have gone from working in a hospital to being housebound which is just so demoralising to say the least.

Anyone in a similar boat? xox

24-04-17, 12:16
I know how you feel, I really do. I remember a time when all I could do was walk to school (where I'd panic constantly) and back, and would spend my days panicking and feeling depressed. I was on Zoloft, Xanax, Melleril and Sulpirid then. Nothing was working for me. That was over 15 years ago.

Now, albeit in a much better state of mind, I appear to be going through a bad spell of anxiety and panic which is making me feel paralysed and I fear going outside seeing as I experience depersonalisation when I do. Everyday things are a struggle, and going to work is agony. However, I do what I can, as much as I can, and on the days I can't leave the house and walk, I take a taxi to work. I'm forever balancing between pushing myself and accommodating my anxiety.

I hope you find some comfort in knowing you're definitely not alone in your pain, and that there are people out there who understand you and feel the same. :)

24-04-17, 14:44
Thanks Ana
Sorry you are going through a bad patch at the moment. I try to find hope in knowing that things never remain the same so why we might feel bad today, tomorrow could be alot better. I feel us victims of this crippling anxiety, are the toughest of the human race. Constantly battling!!!!
Well done for going to work and doing your best. I hope to be back to work in a few weeks time when my old self returns again (fingers crossed)
12 days in to the 40mgs and I feel really nauseated, dizzy, panicky so I am hoping this is the storm before the calm xxx

24-04-17, 21:07
Thank you for your kind words. :) It's true, there is hope in knowing things change. I've had good and bad patches, it's just the way this disorder works. I'm sure you'll feel better after a few weeks have passed and your medication has had the chance to start working properly. The side-effects should go, too.

I'm crossing my fingers for you, and remember to give yourself time and not put too much pressure on yourself to meet a certain deadline for getting better. Just take small steps in the direction of recovery, and you'll get there eventually, in your own time.

25-04-17, 15:28
Thank you Ana, tomorrow is another day and we will get out of this xx

25-04-17, 16:02
I agree with Ana. Don't be so hard on yourself. It takes time for the medications to work. At least that is what everyone told me. I could only deal with them for 3 weeks. I felt that I learned enough from the meds to push thoughts out of my head. I have been drug free now for a month. Sure I still have bad thoughts but I literally speak to myself. I've had a string of bad luck with jobs in the past. When I sit on the computer and look at job postings day after day it gets depressing. When I start to cry or my thoughts spiral I will force myself to do something different. If an event is upsetting like last night, my roomie was in a bad mood, I went and talked to a friend. We can change. We can get better. Stay strong, you can get through this!

26-04-17, 02:12
Thanks Ana
Sorry you are going through a bad patch at the moment. I try to find hope in knowing that things never remain the same so why we might feel bad today, tomorrow could be alot better. I feel us victims of this crippling anxiety, are the toughest of the human race. Constantly battling!!!!
Well done for going to work and doing your best. I hope to be back to work in a few weeks time when my old self returns again (fingers crossed)
12 days in to the 40mgs and I feel really nauseated, dizzy, panicky so I am hoping this is the storm before the calm xxx

Absolutely agree with this comment 100% ' I feel us victims of this crippling anxiety, are the toughest of the human race. Constantly battling!!!!'

So true turnaround00.