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View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes for some years

24-04-17, 00:29
I'll introduce myself, my name is Miguel. I'm 23 years old and I live in Argentina. I'm very thin and I don't do any exercise. I'm just thin by nature.
My problem started about 4 or 5 years ago. The only symphtom I had is several enlarged lymph nodes. I have some right under my jaw that I think they measure less than 1 cm. I also have 2 lymph nodes around 1 cm in both sides of my neck and 1 lymph node about 0.5cm in my back (above my trapezius muscle).
I'm sure they never changed in size. They all feel like rubbery movable, round (more like ovals) and doesn't hurt. But they bother if I touch them too much.

I already went to about 5 ENTs (1 of them oncologist, 2 hematologist, 1 infectologist and 1 allergist).
Some of them touched my lymph nodes and said that they were normal and not to worry about it because I'm thin and it's normal to feel enlarged lymph nodes (which I don't think it's true).

Some of them performed me full blood tests and infections test (like HIV, mononucleosis, etc..) and they also performed me X Ray of chest and head, and an ultrasound of soft tissues of neck.

After all tests they only found some 1 cm or less nodes in my neck and nothing else so the final results were (no adenopathy found, and normal tyroid glandule).

None of my ENT think my lymph nodes are malignant. But I read a lot about lymphomas and they can only be found performing biopsies. So I still have the same question... what if my lymph nodes are abnormal and my ENTs are blind just because I look like a healthy young man.
I fell in depression and anxiety and a lot of bad thoughts are still around me and I can't stop feeling like something is wrong with my body, it's not letting me live my life.

Do you think I'm having health anxiety or probably it's just the fact that I'm not diagnosed about my enlarged lymph nodes. I want to know why is it, what is the cause, and none of them seems to concern about the cause.
I feel like I need THE answer, and not things like "it may be..", "probably it's...".

I'll meet my ENT soon to ask him for a biopsy (which I don't think they will do to me because they think I have nothing wrong).
What would you do in this situation? Is it HA related? Do you think something bad is slowly growing inside of me (like some slow growing lymphomas)?
When I think of "cancer" word it makes me cry a lot and I think I may have it.

24-04-17, 00:36
I already went to about 5 ENTs (1 of them oncologist, 2 hematologist, 1 infectologist and 1 allergist). Some of them touched my lymph nodes and said that they were normal...

So how can "normal" nodes be swollen? They're not swollen but your perception of them makes them that way.

Positive thoughts

24-04-17, 00:43
The thing is I can't forget the idea something wrong is happening with me. Even if I try to convince myself that everything is good... And I don't want to be 1 of that people who are depressed and need a lot of pills to feel happy. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. :(
One of my ENTs said that I need a psychologist but how can they be that sure without scientific proof of my problem? I disagree about meeting a psychologist, I only want peace of mind by getting a biopsy and then if it comes negative for maligancy I'll forget about all this thing.

Sorry about my english, my main language is spanish.

24-04-17, 00:58
tengo el mismo sentido sobre "something wrong is happening with me", y no es solo una problema psicológico. no se que hacer.

my problem is lymph nodes as well, but i've only been to one doctor so far.

24-04-17, 04:12

24-04-17, 10:56
If you've had them for years and they were something bad, you'd be very very sick by now. Drs have said your ok.. then your ok.. just because you feel a node doesn't mean it's swollen :) I can feel three in my neck.

Health anxiety makes me think the worst irrational thoughts.

Your fine.

24-04-17, 12:33
The thing is I can't forget the idea something wrong is happening with me. Even if I try to convince myself that everything is good... And I don't want to be 1 of that people who are depressed and need a lot of pills to feel happy. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. :(
One of my ENTs said that I need a psychologist but how can they be that sure without scientific proof of my problem? I disagree about meeting a psychologist, I only want peace of mind by getting a biopsy and then if it comes negative for maligancy I'll forget about all this thing.

I'm a head and neck cancer survivor. You cannot biopsy when there's nothing to biopsy! Nothing you posted raises a red flag. Concerning therapy? Besides checking off all the anxiety boxes in your posts, the fact you're posting on this site indicates that deep down, you know you need professional mental health help.

Positive thoughts