View Full Version : Anxiety is anxiety no matter how you label it

24-04-17, 03:59
The only thing that is making you unhappy is your own thoughts.

Change them.

Only you can feel the rain:

Natasha Bedingfield (https://www.google.com/search?q=Natasha+Bedingfield&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLUz9U3MM4zL88GAJEKZ40NAAAA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjG1LmBirzTAhUIbSYKHVziBrUQMQgnMAA)

On my way to recovery and so can you. Thank you all for your support!

25-04-17, 04:32
That's quite true really that all anxiety symptoms are like branches on the same tree with various roots leading to the same source being - fear.

To learn to cope with anxiety is to learn how not to react to thoughts that create feelings of fear so if you can think frightening thoughts but still remain calm, anxiety holds no fear so it loses it's power over us.

So, the next time your thoughts say "BOO:scared15:"...learn to say "BOO" back with a :). The thoughts won't bother you anymore and nor will anxiety because you'll stop worrying about your thoughts saying "BOO".

That's the trick though because if you ask someone to walk across a canyon on what appears to them to be a rickerty rockerty bridge in a gale force wind, they'll probably turn around and say "No way, I'm going stay right here watching it sway from side to side for eternity"....and that's how anxiety rules our lives...until that it is we feel able to take that first step to confront our fears to walk across that bridge to gain freedom from anxiety. Sadly, much easier said than done, especially if we attempt it without the right tools to keep the bridge safe or the right weapons to fend off the dragons along the way. Yes, I love Lord Of The Rings. If Frodo and Sam can do it, it must be possible,...."Then let us be rid of it"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKIgv8AhffA even if it is just a story.

25-04-17, 04:58
Bill, how true it is, when our anxiety says boo, say boo back. I will have to look at the link you posted. It is true as your quote states at the bottom of every one of your posts, "To be free of anxiety is FREE because the cure is in YOU, is TRUE.

25-04-17, 05:51
Well if I'm taking the ring back to Mordor, I'm giving you warning now that I'm going to shove it right up Sauron's...http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/sexe/sex544.gif:biggrin:

(I just hope I don't lose my watch in the process :ohmy::winks:)

26-04-17, 01:34
Terry, I think if you took us all with you to get your watch back, none of us would ever be afraid of anything else after that experience.:ohmy: Could be a story for a sequel Lord Of The Watches.:kewlpics:

Snowghost, I either say Boo back or just tell my mind to shut up and to stop annoying me with silly thoughts.:mad: