View Full Version : Could this fatigue be something worse?

24-04-17, 05:04
One of the symptoms I would get during panic attacks was this intense fatigue where simply moving any part of my body felt exhausting, it was accompanied by a tingling feeling all over and would literally bring me to my knees. It's been months since I've had a panic attack and now just get bouts of anxiousness daily but I'm able to combat it by doing exercise outside which usually makes it go away.

The problem is yesterday while I was exercising my body started to feel strange so I stopped, but a couple minutes later I started getting the intense fatigue I used to get along with tingling, except I wasn't having a panic attack or even felt like I was. It went away eventually but I still had a bit of tingling and tiredness the rest of the day, I tried exercising again today and got the same feeling but it wasn't as strong this time. It's confusing because I've been exercising for months now and never had this happen before, I wasn't pushing myself either and have tired myself out way worse other times without getting this fatigue.

I've read that fatigue can be a sign of many other diseases but before I go down that hole and start worrying I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything similar to this?

24-04-17, 07:43
Fatigue is probably the number one complaint of the human race :weep: - I actually listened to a podcast the other day; it was a Dr talking about how many of his patients come to him with the complain of fatigue.

Stress and anxiety causes adrenaline to surge through the body, it puts us in the 'fight or flight' mode. This in turn will cause fatigue.

Nevertheless, it isn't something that you should have to live with, it can be very debilitating. I would suggest working on your anxiety through the method of CBT, making sure you get some down-time for your mind and body. A daily walk perhaps? Meditation and yoga can be very good for anxiety related fatigue - I know doing these things is the last thing you want to do when you're tired, but exercise really does help.

Get some simple blood tests done too, just to rule out thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. [Thyroid can cause tiredness and tingling]

Also perhaps look at taking a vitamin b12 supplement if you don't get enough via your diet - discuss with your Dr though :)

But yeah, try not to worry - I get fatigue and tingling too. If you've had the all clear from your Dr you can know anxiety does cause these feelings. Work on the anxiety and they will subside in time :)

24-04-17, 17:41
Yeah it was just the fact that I've been exercising almost daily and have never had this happen before that made me concerned, but it's also the same feeling I used to get during panic attacks which makes me feel it's anxiety related. It's a shame that it happens during exercise as this was one of the best ways I would deal with my anxiety.

I've been thinking about trying CBT for a while now so I might give it a shot but I also plan on going to the doctor for a checkup just to make sure everything's fine and see where things go from there. Thank you :)

24-04-17, 21:27
Fatigue is probably the number one complaint of the human race :weep: - I actually listened to a podcast the other day; it was a Dr talking about how many of his patients come to him with the complain of fatigue.

Stress and anxiety causes adrenaline to surge through the body, it puts us in the 'fight or flight' mode. This in turn will cause fatigue.

Nevertheless, it isn't something that you should have to live with, it can be very debilitating. I would suggest working on your anxiety through the method of CBT, making sure you get some down-time for your mind and body. A daily walk perhaps? Meditation and yoga can be very good for anxiety related fatigue - I know doing these things is the last thing you want to do when you're tired, but exercise really does help.

Get some simple blood tests done too, just to rule out thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. [Thyroid can cause tiredness and tingling]

Also perhaps look at taking a vitamin b12 supplement if you don't get enough via your diet - discuss with your Dr though :)

But yeah, try not to worry - I get fatigue and tingling too. If you've had the all clear from your Dr you can know anxiety does cause these feelings. Work on the anxiety and they will subside in time :)

Do you know the name of he podcast please?