View Full Version : Always feel inadequate at work

24-04-17, 06:37
Been at current job 2.5 years and I'm surrounded by highly educated people or people who have a lot more experience. I am constantly comparing myself to them and coming up short, I do some aspects of my job really well, but others I struggle and I constantly think of my negatives and focus on them.

I'm at the point where want to quit so I don't have to go through the daily worry of 'is this the day I get found out' my job has changed a little recently which means at short notice I could be doing something else with little notice. This also is one of my triggers. I've only recently discovered I have mild/moderate dyslexia which I've managed to go through till middle age before finding out.

Previous jobs have been good as I'm in my comfort zone, this job is school related which is what I need, to be off in the holidays with my kids. The jobs a lot harder that I ever anticipated and it's a daily struggle.

Just needed to vent :)

24-04-17, 08:58
It's rubbish when you start to doubt yourself, but great that you can still see the stuff you are doing well.

Being highly educated doesn't put anyone above anyone else. You have done the job for 2.5 years, that is a fair amount of on the job experience, no amount of education can replace that. You have also selected a job which puts your family and work life into a balance, that is something else to be proud of.

Is there any skills specifically you would want to improve?x

25-04-17, 08:59
I agree with Kathryn313, you might not have the same qualifications but you still managed to get the job and you've been working there for 2.5 years so it's very safe to say you're a valuable member of their team.

I get that the work is harder than the work you're used to doing, but you're doing it for your kids and I think that's one if the least selfish and one if the best things you can do for them. I bet they're really proud of having you as a parent :)