View Full Version : Nausea from a cold

24-04-17, 07:58
Hi, I've got a really bad cold at the moment and it's making me feel really nauseated. Not sure if it's all the coughing, or something else but does anyone have tips for easing it??

24-04-17, 08:19
it's probably the post nasal drip from your cold going down into your tummy....sip water throughout the day to water it down, if you have any ginger sweets from amazon or other shops, sucking them help the nausea...try sipping the water though

29-10-17, 05:01
It sucks! I've had emetophobia since fourth grade (senior in high school now) and the nausea is from post nasal drip. Very annoying, but only way to somewhat relieve it is to blow your nose or spit up mucus constantly, so only a small amount can reach your stomach. I've realized that whenever I've had a cold and my emetophobia isn't on my mind, i barely notice post nasal drip. its only when it catches me off guard that it gets annoying!