View Full Version : Vision Issue - momentary blurriness at corner of eye, please help

24-04-17, 10:10
In the past 5 or 6 days, I have been noticing that I see some blurriness in the top right corner of my right eye for a couple of seconds. I blink and it returns to normal focus. It mostly happens if I am looking at some light, like the recess light on my ceiling - sometimes I see some squiggly line kinda halo around the eye, I blink a few times and it returns to normal.

Some background: I am very short-sighted and been wearing glasses since teens (am 39 now). Right before these symptoms I had eyelid swelling in the same eye - the doc said it was an INTERNAL hordeolum (like a stye under the upper eyelid, not visible from the outside), and it went away in 3 days after I put warm compresses on it several times a day. Just before the eyelid swelling I had a sinus infection which had followed a cold. So I was sick for over 3 weeks in order starting with a cold, which led to sinus infection, which cleared without antibiotics, but immediately after the eyelid swelling happened.

I have had this momentary blurry vision in the past, but not every day for 5 days in a row. Has anyone had anything like this? Obviously my first fear is brain tumor because I can't think how the eyelid swelling and hordeolum stye thing could cause it. I also have astigmatism but I don't know if that could cause it. Please help if you have ever had any blurred vision in the corner of your eye for an instant and had to blink it away, but it happened every day for what is almost a week now?

28-04-17, 10:14
Hi there

Anxiety can cause that
Adrenalin hits the muscle behind the eye
I get it sometimes, usually lasts 5 to 10 minutes