View Full Version : Low key freaking out about a lump

24-04-17, 15:21
So I'm trying super hard to be rational here. It's sort of working and obviously sort of not. 5 days ago I found a hard lump on the right side of my head (right about where your occipital nodes are but very slightly higher depending on which anatomy example you view) It's rather large. Sort of like someone cut a large gumball in half and glued it to my head lol. It's firm and immobile. Initially it was a little sore so I thought I must've hit my head at some point. 5 days later it's the same size and not very tender at all. I'm doing my best to not call it lymphoma and freak out but damn.. What the heck is it. I have an appointment to have it checked next week so until then I suppose I'll just be wondering.

25-04-17, 20:30
At least you are getting it checked. It could be just about anything. Is there anything that your family once had? Theres a ton of different things it could be Asia from lymphoma. and try not to freak out.

Don't research anything about what it could be since you are going to be checked out anyways. Google will only make it worse. And just remember, you are definitely going to be alright. Think positive.

To get your mind off of it, just do your best to stay on top of your health. Don't spend your time worrying. Keep yourself busy until you're checked up. Please update after the entire checkup.

26-04-17, 16:30
Is it in your hairline? I have 2 there they both feel rather hard not squishy or moveable but maybe about pea size no bigger. My doctor felt them and said she has one larger than mine and seen nothing to worry about.

26-04-17, 17:52
Yup. It's in my hairline. It's about twice the size of a chickpea. I'm honestly not freaking out too much. I was for a minute, imagining all of the possibilities but right now I'm just sort of like "it is what it is" My appointment was moved to tomorrow so we'll see. Thanks for responding.

26-04-17, 18:09
Please let me know what your Doctor says! From what I know it could even be a muscle knot! From everything I have read on here too with people describing their symptoms those nodes on the hairline seem to always be harder!

30-04-17, 18:18
So, My PC said he wasn't concerned and I felt ok with that as at the time it had been getting smaller. So, flash forward to two days later and it's bigger...perhaps even bigger than when it started. I've had my husband check it out on a daily basis so I can get a more unbiased idea of how it feels. He also noticed it to be significantly larger. So, back to the drawing board. I think I will definitely get a second opinion.

30-04-17, 19:56
Had two doctors check mine out. One said nodes and they are within normal range. Other said cysts or inflamed tissue because they are red but I caused the redness from the constant messing with them. Mine are firm and don't move both in hairline right next to each other. One is small the other larger. Super nervous. Seem to be occipital nodes also. Mine feel the shape you described like a gum ball cut in half. Not huge but not tiny! So nervous.