View Full Version : Ultrasound results. Can anyone help me understand what this means?

24-04-17, 16:53
I am having a uterine ablation at the end of May. I requested an ultrasound as I've had some heavy periods and what felt like a ruptured cyst. Had my Pap smear last Wednesday and pelvic. Doc didn't seem to feel anything. Had my ultrasound this morning. First she does on top of my stomach and asks me to empty my bladder and then does vaginal one. She says to me "have you ever had fibroids?" No I answer. I then ask, why does it look like I have them? She says "I can't tell". I don't know if that means yes she can't tell or if she literally means she can't tell me. After the ultrasound she says the results will be sent to doctor and they will call me very soon. I then ask if that's standard procedure and she says "it doesn't mean something is wrong we do that with every patient". She then tells me to ask the front desk how long it takes to get results. So I try one more time before she leaves to get her to tell me if I have fibroids to which she says maybe. WTF does that even mean? She had told me she wasn't allowed to say anything but this answer made me upset. Now I'm thinking I have some awful problem or she sees something and has no idea what it is. I cried the entire way home. I don't know what's going on inside me and what if it isn't a fibroid but something worse? Knock on wood. How cruel to make me wait as many as five days to find out. I'm a hot mess. I'm 42.

24-04-17, 19:32
Potentially reading too much into things. Your results should be through soon enough.xx

25-04-17, 00:00
I can relate to the uncertainty this has left you with and the worry and overthinking that comes from that. Generally I don't think the person taking the ulatrasound can diagnose to you directly but they often do tell you what they see. If she mentioned fibroids, it does seem a bit unfair of her to 'backtrack' and become vague.

Hope your results come back soon and your mind put at rest. I have fibroids and they are nothing to be concerned about, mine need no treatment as I don't have symptoms. Your heavy bleeding could be fibroids and they can help wth that.

25-04-17, 18:33

How awful to left you feeling anxious and worried. I've had this done to me and I've ended up with health anxiety I wish I stayed away from the dotctors now. You will be fine if it was serious they usually get a doctor straight away and the person who does the ultrasound knows what to look out for,they spend years studying!!

Good luck and I am sure you will be fine 😉