View Full Version : pregabalin generic lyrica

24-04-17, 18:57
i an on 450 mg a day pregabalin, the last script at a chemist he gave me the real lyrica not generic, yet another gave me pregabalin. The chemist said lyrica cost the chemist £50 a months treatment script, were has pregabalin £10 a script. the NHS has put a block on the real lyrica which at £50 a script i can well understand, has SSRIs like sertraline cost the NHS about £ 2 a script. But it would be cool to have the real deal long term instead of any old generic even if there just has good:shrug:

25-04-17, 00:46
Any GP can write "non generic" on your prescription, if they choose too.

The price of Preg must have come down, it was higher than that. This is a good sign.

It's the same with many meds. Even SSRI's can be much more expensive when they ar non generic yet the generics cost pennies. It makes you wonder why there is such disparity in costs...which I assume is about licencing & ripping the NHS off.

25-04-17, 14:11
THE chemist can and will overrule the GP. its him whats paying out the £50 and he won't get it back from the NHS ,there price line is well below £50 The generics are English and £10 The NHS bible says to buy them. You can get the PFIZER LYRICA at Boots the chemist if you pay the extra £40 yourself no chemist is going to honor a script he loses money on. USE boots pregabalin it always high English grade. EVEN the mighty PFIZER has a factory in England making lyrica to save on shipping. i have had a PFIZER lyrica 450MG scripted before at boots but they only made that mistake once, AND it was weaker than the generic at boots:shrug:

---------- Post added at 11:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 ----------

Any GP can write "non generic" on your prescription, if they choose too.

The price of Preg must have come down, it was higher than that. This is a good sign.

It's the same with many meds. Even SSRI's can be much more expensive when they ar non generic yet the generics cost pennies. It makes you wonder why there is such disparity in costs...which I assume is about licencing & ripping the NHS off.

£50 seems a lot for a chemist to buy wholesale. i remember 30 years ago when on Prozac it changed to a generic fluoxetine, i was scripted Prozac and the chemist said no its £14 a script more, i said the doctor said Prozac he said i wll bounce the script back so he can put fluoxetine. now the doctor nor the chemist wanted to pay the extra so i was on fluoxetine and crashed because i had been on original Prozac 4 years , the generics are way better now than then ,now the guidelines are strict on generics:shades:

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

Just like to say if your scripted by a NHS shrink . pregabalin is all you get , private doctors will script the nongeneric lyrica if you feel the need but you will pay the full price there not going to loose money on a patient. plus you pay for the doctor bad move. The ordinary GP have a list they can script and PFIZER LYRICA is not on it. All ssri meds are generic on the NHS i remember the hospital would not script me escitalopram generic Lexapro saying and i quote its just citalopram in a new box , it is far superior to citalopram, Yet most GPS scripted it has the price crashed but only to the real depressives , not situation depression:shades:

25-04-17, 16:04
My pharmacy, Boots, says the GP can write it on and they will honour it regardless of cost. It's just happened to my mum with some of her meds and this is how they are resolving it.

There's little point having a format to allow it if it isn't used. The NHS have instructed GP's use it when the legal case started as non generics couldn't be used until the ruling.

Perhaps pharmacist's have differing opinions?

I'm on non generic Duloxetine and have been for years. The pharmacy stock it and it is much more expensive but my GP has never requested non generic.

If generic Preg Is now <£10, they have even less grounds to refuse it than before.

25-04-17, 17:53
they dont refuse pregabalin generic at £10 its the lyrica branded PFIZER at £50 they won't give and my pharmacy is BOOTS, the pharmacy is not going to make a loss he wont get his £50 back from the NHS they have set the level he is allowed on pregabalin and its not £50

25-04-17, 20:46
Should I be worried my fluoxetine is not Prozac? I thought Prozac was just a brand and the drug was the same.

26-04-17, 00:58
Should I be worried my fluoxetine is not Prozac? I thought Prozac was just a brand and the drug was the same.

Yes, Prozac is just a brand name. It's the drug that matters, the Fluoxetine.

Even generics are getting brand names these days. It's just that a med is licenced to the creating company for a period of time and then this ends and any company can make a generic version.

Some people report they find a difference with generics but it's a big grey area.

---------- Post added at 00:58 ---------- Previous post was at 00:56 ----------

they dont refuse pregabalin generic at £10 its the lyrica branded PFIZER at £50 they won't give and my pharmacy is BOOTS, the pharmacy is not going to make a loss he wont get his £50 back from the NHS they have set the level he is allowed on pregabalin and its not £50

That's up to your pharmacist then. Mine disagrees. My takes a loss on every repeat prescription of Duloxetine and has been doing so for years.

I expect there will come a time when it ends but if they still haven't worked out how this saves them money, it casts some doubt on their management's competence.

But it's not that simple. Many people overpay using the NHS prescription charge wth meds but the NHS doesn't broadcast this. That profit all goes into the pot somewhere.

My point of refusal was not about generic vs. non generic, we've been having threads on the Preg board since I came here saying GP's were refusing to prescribe it at all because of the costs.

27-04-17, 14:36
Should I be worried my fluoxetine is not Prozac? I thought Prozac was just a brand and the drug was the same.
no use worrying you won't get the real PROZAC like thousands like you. the generic works the same so don't worry:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:26 ----------

Yes, Prozac is just a brand name. It's the drug that matters, the Fluoxetine.

Even generics are getting brand names these days. It's just that a med is licenced to the creating company for a period of time and then this ends and any company can make a generic version.

Some people report they find a difference with generics but it's a big grey area.

---------- Post added at 00:58 ---------- Previous post was at 00:56 ----------

That's up to your pharmacist then. Mine disagrees. My takes a loss on every repeat prescription of Duloxetine and has been doing so for years.

I expect there will come a time when it ends but if they still haven't worked out how this saves them money, it casts some doubt on their management's competence.

But it's not that simple. Many people overpay using the NHS prescription charge wth meds but the NHS doesn't broadcast this. That profit all goes into the pot somewhere.

My point of refusal was not about generic vs. non generic, we've been having threads on the Preg board since I came here saying GP's were refusing to prescribe it at all because of the costs.
My pregabalin is scripted by my shrink not a gp , gps have been told not to script it because of cost for . 600 mg is a lot of money on a script you have to be mentally ill to an extreme to receive it. BUY THE WAY mine is free :yesyes:.:yesyes:

28-04-17, 06:17
GP's do precribe it. For evidence, see the Preg board where users report they get it.

It's just harder to get. But if the generic is now £10, they don't have that excuse anymore. However, I can't see evidence it is that cheap, per the NHS themselves. It's also not a case of all dosages equal one prescription charge, they still have to pay x times the mg available size.

The other poster may still get non generic Fluoxetine, just as I still get Doluxetine. At a minimum, our anecdotal reports cancel each other out.

I choose to pay the prescription charge. I can afford it at present, despite being entitled to free. Not that I make any judgement of anyone who does, I've had to do that when between employment when I was less secure for my asthma meds. That's what it's there for.

28-04-17, 10:37
GP's do precribe it. For evidence, see the Preg board where users report they get it.

It's just harder to get. But if the generic is now £10, they don't have that excuse anymore. However, I can't see evidence it is that cheap, per the NHS themselves. It's also not a case of all dosages equal one prescription charge, they still have to pay x times the mg available size.

The other poster may still get non generic Fluoxetine, just as I still get Doluxetine. At a minimum, our anecdotal reports cancel each other out.

I choose to pay the prescription charge. I can afford it at present, despite being entitled to free. Not that I make any judgement of anyone who does, I've had to do that when between employment when I was less secure for my asthma meds. That's what it's there for. no generic fluoxetine is what you get i dont no anyone on PROZAC in an ordinary gp surgery they cannot afford any no generics to anyone that asks. you can ask but the pharmacy will block it, it a buisness there running, if everyone walk in and said Prozac please he would be out of business the nhs wont pay, more so my 600mg pregabalin

---------- Post added at 10:30 ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 ----------

no generic fluoxetine is what you get i dont no anyone on PROZAC in an ordinary gp surgery they cannot afford any no generics to anyone that asks. you can ask but the pharmacy will block it, it a buisness there running, if everyone walk in and said Prozac please he would be out of business the nhs wont pay, more so my 600mg pregabalin

I have just been on the pregabalin board and everyone is on pregabalin, i guy just been took off lyrica by his gp had it costs too much , the point i make is 98% on a med that has a generic in England will get the generic, if there is no generic you get the real deal , odd ones on low dose meds may get the real med the 2% the NHS is running on fresh air now it cannot afford it Jesus some have scripts worth £100s and dont pay because out of work.if they got real meds it would be thousands not £100s

---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

GP's do precribe it. For evidence, see the Preg board where users report they get it.

It's just harder to get. But if the generic is now £10, they don't have that excuse anymore. However, I can't see evidence it is that cheap, per the NHS themselves. It's also not a case of all dosages equal one prescription charge, they still have to pay x times the mg available size.

The other poster may still get non generic Fluoxetine, just as I still get Doluxetine. At a minimum, our anecdotal reports cancel each other out.

I choose to pay the prescription charge. I can afford it at present, despite being entitled to free. Not that I make any judgement of anyone who does, I've had to do that when between employment when I was less secure for my asthma meds. That's what it's there for.
are you taking about getting pregabalin if so anyone can get that its lyrica the real none generic you cannot get if on high dose, its the pregabalin board not the lyrica board , tells it own story

28-04-17, 11:09
See the NHS price list for 2017 I posted on the other thread. The costs are far above £10 according to their own data. And different doses cost different amounts in any med.

The doc doesn't say whether it's generic or non generic. The cost is above the £50.

Lyrica is just a brand name, nothing more. Many of the generics are adding their own brand names for many meds, as can be seen In the licencing docs. It really doesn't matter, both are Preg. It's a Preg board because every version is Preg, it doesn't mean anything that Admin have included brand names on some boards and not others, that became irrelevant many years ago.

As for the inability to get non generic meds...I've got non generic Duloxetine. Generic has been around for years. So, we will have to agree to disagree. My pharmacist is doing the opposite.

28-04-17, 13:52
See the NHS price list for 2017 I posted on the other thread. The costs are far above £10 according to their own data. And different doses cost different amounts in any med.

The doc doesn't say whether it's generic or non generic. The cost is above the £50.

Lyrica is just a brand name, nothing more. Many of the generics are adding their own brand names for many meds, as can be seen In the licencing docs. It really doesn't matter, both are Preg. It's a Preg board because every version is Preg, it doesn't mean anything that Admin have included brand names on some boards and not others, that became irrelevant many years ago.

As for the inability to get non generic meds...I've got non generic Duloxetine. Generic has been around for years. So, we will have to agree to disagree. My pharmacist is doing the opposite.
DULOXETINE is generic CYMBALTA is the none generic true version you got yourself a generic med the my friend:doh:

28-04-17, 14:01
Nope. I call it Duloxetine because that's what it is, the brand name I have is Cymbalta by Eli Lilly. I generally never use brand names when posting, some meds have got loads so it's less confusing where that happens.

I had a few different ones when I was on Cit before. Most of them, if not all, we're likely generic. I can remember one called Bristol something, but not the rest.

I guess some generic companies are trying to sound more credible by assigning a brand name? :shrug:

28-04-17, 17:55
Nope. I call it Duloxetine because that's what it is, the brand name I have is Cymbalta by Eli Lilly. I generally never use brand names when posting, some meds have got loads so it's less confusing where that happens.

I had a few different ones when I was on Cit before. Most of them, if not all, we're likely generic. I can remember one called Bristol something, but not the rest.

I guess some generic companies are trying to sound more credible by assigning a brand name? :shrug:
Its not DULOXETINE thats the generic//////// CYMBALTA is the real med by lilly and if you were taking it thats what you would call it. Nobody would call Cymbalta DULOXETINE if they were really taking Cymbalta, You have looked on the internet for that answer, its not clever to readers and its not the truth, by the way citalopram is generic Celexa is its real name:wtf1:

29-04-17, 05:01
Its not DULOXETINE thats the generic//////// CYMBALTA is the real med by lilly and if you were taking it thats what you would call it. Nobody would call Cymbalta DULOXETINE if they were really taking Cymbalta, You have looked on the internet for that answer, its not clever to readers and its not the truth, by the way citalopram is generic Celexa is its real name:wtf1:
All Cymbalta is is a name given to the brand they marketed as. The drug that was created was called Duloxetine. Nothing more.

You are entitled to think what you wish, but I suggest you consider what trusted sources say before making accusations.


Examples of SNRIs include duloxetine (Cymbalta and Yentreve) and venlafaxine (https://beta.nhs.uk/medicines/venlafaxine/) (Efexor).

This molecule was subsequently named duloxetine

Cit is always a good one to look at when it comes to brands, there have been many:


That's why I don't use brand names, they are irrelavent. It's much easier to talk about the actual med, not some pointless name thought up. For that reason, I say Diazepam rather than Valium as they are always Diazepam but not always Valium since Valium was is a trade name.

It's the same with Preg.

I'm not sure what you meant from this thread. Can you explain so it gets bak on track? :shrug:

29-04-17, 09:46
All Cymbalta is is a name given to the brand they marketed as. The drug that was created was called Duloxetine. Nothing more.

You are entitled to think what you wish, but I suggest you consider what trusted sources say before making accusations.


Examples of SNRIs include duloxetine (Cymbalta and Yentreve) and venlafaxine (https://beta.nhs.uk/medicines/venlafaxine/) (Efexor).

This molecule was subsequently named duloxetine

Cit is always a good one to look at when it comes to brands, there have been many:


That's why I don't use brand names, they are irrelavent. It's much easier to talk about the actual med, not some pointless name thought up. For that reason, I say Diazepam rather than Valium as they are always Diazepam but not always Valium since Valium was is a trade name.

It's the same with Preg.

I'm not sure what you meant from this thread. Can you explain so it gets bak on track? :shrug:
i have just posted a thread with all the real meds and the generic names . take a look you will be amazed, your DULOXETINE is there has the generic to CYMBALTA the name of the first produced med. DULOXETINE . is a name just used has a generic name nothing more it could have been anything, your on a generic like the rest of us :whistles:

29-04-17, 09:49
Nope. There's no point discussing it further as you are unwilling to read the links, including the ones you just posted which say the opposite if you bothered to read them.

My box says Cymbalta on it. I'm assuming you can't see into my house?

But again...what's this thread supposed to be for? And have you considered posting it on the right forum? The Preg one with all the other users. If you want to see the price in January 2017 for Preg, it's on your other thread...you know, the one you've now ignored because the evidence in black & white from the NHS diagrees with you?

29-04-17, 09:57
All Cymbalta is is a name given to the brand they marketed as. The drug that was created was called Duloxetine. Nothing more.

You are entitled to think what you wish, but I suggest you consider what trusted sources say before making accusations.


Examples of SNRIs include duloxetine (Cymbalta and Yentreve) and venlafaxine (https://beta.nhs.uk/medicines/venlafaxine/) (Efexor).

This molecule was subsequently named duloxetine

Cit is always a good one to look at when it comes to brands, there have been many:


That's why I don't use brand names, they are irrelavent. It's much easier to talk about the actual med, not some pointless name thought up. For that reason, I say Diazepam rather than Valium as they are always Diazepam but not always Valium since Valium was is a trade name.

It's the same with Preg.

I'm not sure what you meant from this thread. Can you explain so it gets bak on track? :shrug:

---------- Post added at 09:57 ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 ----------

Nope. There's no point discussing it further as you are unwilling to read the links, including the ones you just posted which say the opposite if you bothered to read them.

My box says Cymbalta on it. I'm assuming you can't see into my house?

But again...what's this thread supposed to be for? And have you considered posting it on the right forum? The Preg one with all the other users. If you want to see the price in January 2017 for Preg, it's on your other thread...you know, the one you've now ignored because the evidence in black & white from the NHS diagrees with you?
i would love to see a photo of you Cymbalta box , put it up please

29-04-17, 10:01

As if that would be proof of anything? Hilarious. Would you like a photo of me actually putting one in my mouth, I'm due to take one. :yesyes:

29-04-17, 17:26

As if that would be proof of anything? Hilarious. Would you like a photo of me actually putting one in my mouth, I'm due to take one. :yesyes: It would prove your telling the truth ,and that my friend is a very grey erea :whistles:

29-04-17, 17:50
Duloxetine is the name of the drug and is sold under the brand name Cymbalta (non generic) and various others (generic).

One look at the links Terry provided would be enough to tell you that but you choose to accuse someone of lying despite all the evidence. Some of which you provided but obviously haven't bothered reading.

I fail to understand the point of this thread, all you seem to be doing is antagonising people over something that doesn't even matter.

No doubt you'll tell me I'm wrong as well because it seems all you want is to be right. Believe what you want but don't accuse someone of lying when the evidence is right there. :shrug:

29-04-17, 18:18
Interesting thread... to a degree. Every med I take for my heart issues and side effects from cancer are generics. Every med my wife was given (with one exception) is/was generic. She was on an anti-seizure that even with insurance was $700 a month! We spoke to her doctor and got her an alternative generic that's $13 a month. Does the same thing for $687 less!

When it comes to most things, including drugs, a generic is the same minus the marketing (https://www.fda.gov/drugs/resourcesforyou/consumers/questionsanswers/ucm100100.htm#effective).

Positive thoughts

30-04-17, 10:01
Duloxetine is the name of the drug and is sold under the brand name Cymbalta (non generic) and various others (generic).

One look at the links Terry provided would be enough to tell you that but you choose to accuse someone of lying despite all the evidence. Some of which you provided but obviously haven't bothered reading.

I fail to understand the point of this thread, all you seem to be doing is antagonising people over something that doesn't even matter.

No doubt you'll tell me I'm wrong as well because it seems all you want is to be right. Believe what you want but don't accuse someone of lying when the evidence is right there. :shrug: THERE is no evidence ???????? only words. i am very passionate at people understanding there meds i no the NHS med table bible and and Cymbalta the true med is not in it,only duloxetine the generic Terry says different leading to people thinking they can demand named med , which is not a choise , thanks for your input we all need to air are concerns:bighug:

30-04-17, 15:45
Thanks guys, I'm also lost what this thread is for. I think the OP should start again so we can get back on track with whatever that is. Hopefully then we can ditch the rest.

Good FDA link there too.

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:38 ----------

It would prove your telling the truth ,and that my friend is a very grey erea :whistles:

Excuse the whiskers, I've not had a shave for a few days :biggrin:

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSinjqiszT7mPMarYqWypWvjwx6WIDEr rbsAaOVgO79O1C6ntCK

Here's a Cymbalta brand Duloxetine box. Anyone can claim to have one when they are all over Google Images...


...how can anyone prove an image is real? You would have to know what the inside of my house looks like. :shrug:

30-04-17, 17:49
Thanks guys, I'm also lost what this thread is for. I think the OP should start again so we can get back on track with whatever that is. Hopefully then we can ditch the rest.

Good FDA link there too.

---------- Post added at 15:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:38 ----------

Excuse the whiskers, I've not had a shave for a few days :biggrin:

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSinjqiszT7mPMarYqWypWvjwx6WIDEr rbsAaOVgO79O1C6ntCK

Here's a Cymbalta brand Duloxetine box. Anyone can claim to have one when they are all over Google Images...


...how can anyone prove an image is real? You would have to know what the inside of my house looks like. :shrug: I have moved on from the Cymbalta post but a phone pic in your hand is how you do it ?????? forget it its not worth the bother, The list i posted shown we are all on generics unless we pay the extra like the chemist told my wife, unless of course the med has no generic, :hugs: