View Full Version : It's time to tackle my HA head on

24-04-17, 19:51
This will be a long post but I feel like I need to write it for myself.

For the past 2 months i've had massive problems with HA. I know that is nothing compared to some other people on this forum. There's been ups and downs but every down would push me like 10 steps back and each time I had less will power to try to recover - or believe that I am fine.

This forum helped a bit at first with realizing that anxiety has a lot of physical symptoms that I was not aware of before but I feel like now I'm just using it as another way of obsessing over the symptoms and finding new ones. Also it makes me feel even more anxious to see how some people had a problem with this for decades. When mine started i thought it would be over in two weeks. Now I'm realising it's a longer process, but I think in itself reading about how other people have been suffering with it is becoming triggering for me rather than comforting - having a health anxiety itselfhas become my biggest fear now - right after a terminal illness one.

I watched a couple of sort of success videos just now - and I've decided to just stop obsessing, stop letting myself think about it, stop checking my symptoms, comparing whether my body is symmetrical and try to look at it from other people's perspective. I know it's very naive it will get better just like that but i've never been this decided before. I will stop pretending I use this forum as support rather than for finding new symptoms.

I have started therapy which I've been enjoying - but still I valued and felt like I needed regular visits of doctor more. I mean it's my birthday in 3 days and my main thought about it is "yay i have a doctors appointment on the same day so i can be reassured im not dying (again)!!!!" In the past 2 months I've seen more doctors than in the past 10 years, multiple of them specialists and they have all told me I AM PERFECTLY HEALTHY. Physically anyway. I've self-diagnosed myself with 4 different cancers and MS in the past 2 months - all proved to be wrong. I'm too tired I have to stop. I've been neglecting my boyfriend, university, my entire life and if I don't determinately deal with this it will ruin my life, more than the illnesses I'm afraid of. I mean I know people with some of these illnesses that I am so afraid of and they manage to still find happiness in life.

Right now, my ears are filled with pressure, my scalp tingling, my jaw is tingling, my whole lower body hurts from being bloated, theres some weird swelling around my groin (that I have been told is nothing and mainly I can see it), but I will try not to focus on it. I've been practicing mindfullness and the whole noticing the symptoms, accepting them and detaching yourself from them, but in the past month I've refused to even try to do that, I was wallowing in my fear and self pity. I will start practicing it again as well I will start meditating again (I stopped a couple of weeks ago because I was like whats the point).

I will stop using the symptoms as excuse to not do my university coursework, to not facetime my boyfriend, to not enjoy a movie and try to ignore the feeling of guilt I get when I try to relax (because my brain is screaming I'm only in denial). I will force myself to do things.

I know it's very likely I will feel absolutely terrible tomorrow again, but never before I have been this decided about it. I think since it's only started for me (tbf I feel like I had HA since I was little and that there were clear signs it was getting worse which I ignored until I had an actual health scare and it became unmanageable since then), but since it's only been this 'acute' for 2 months maybe the sooner I decide to tackle it on head on, the easier it will be rather than if i let myself just wallow in self pity for the near future.

This has been a very long post and I hope you are not thinking I'm being naive, i know how optimistic this sounds but it's time for me to start somewhere and I hope maybe its been encouraging for someone else who keeps almost 'enjoying' feeling hopeless (Which was often a case for me) to stop. It is very long so I'm not sure anyone will even read it to the end, but I feel like I had to write it down for myself to document I've made this decision and maybe then I will be more likely to stick with it.

24-04-17, 20:20
This is so amazing and you are definitely on the right track! You raise some extremely good points and I explore you to stick with this all the way! I bet you'll feel better in time :)

You can do this! Enjoy life :)

24-04-17, 20:44
Great post and filled with the right attitude!

I have a daughter your age. She suffers from anxiety and depression. She's been in (and still in) therapy and takes meds. She was pretty decimated a couple years back, had to leave school and get herself together.

She worked hard! Went through three different meds and the ramp up/cross tapering side effects and all until she found one that works. She kicked butt and worked hard at therapy and just graduated college and got her first job (she's in early childhood education).

The point is, it's hard work. She still has her moments but she now has the tools under her belt to deal with it.

It's just like recovering from a physical illness in many respects. I have to work hard every day due to the deficits my illnesses caused and it's also a mental challenge as well as the struggles can definitely be difficult BUT... with the proper "positive" attitude and hard work you can overcome this.

Like I told my daughter and I've said here many times.... I have real physical issues that can bury me 6 feet under. You have something that's doing that above ground and you have the ways and means to treat it.

Remember... "Life if 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it". Charles Swindoll

We may not have control over much of what happens in our lives but we do have control of our attitudes and how we handle things.

Positive thoughts

24-04-17, 23:00
Thank you. That is good to hear about your daughter, good luck to her :)

And that quote is definitely one that I will try to remember.

24-04-17, 23:29
Best of luck to you maianixon, there's something out there that will help, just keep at it and i'm sure you'll have it under control.

28-04-17, 14:35
So I thought I would write a little update because I'm feeling down a bit right now and I thought it might help, but also apart from that I had a couple of very good days which I thought maybe could be encouraging to someone.

So the past 4 days have been really good! I was surprised how well the whole "force yourself to believe the doctor and don't google stuff!!" thing worked! I mean I know it's only a couple of days but I felt much better which also made a lot of my symptoms feel a lot worse.

I went to chiropractor/physiotherapist to help with my TMJ and he did this "trigger point" massage on my neck thats supposed to help and it felt like he was hitting all the right spots, it gave my some hope that my ears will get unblocked after all.

This has also been the symptom I have been fixating on the most - now I don't think it's anything dangerous just VERY ANNOYING and the symptom itself is making me anxious because I just want it to go away. I'm properly full on obsessing over it (which i know i shouldnt).

I also feel like my nose is blocked by some mucus or smth (that I've generally had the past few days) but I don't think i have a cold. I know it's a very minor thing, but it's starting to get to me more and more purely again because of how annoying it is. I really want to see an ENT doctor even though I'm sure they will tell me its nothing, just for a peace of mind, but everyone is telling me to just leave it and it's nothing, just anxiety (which is probably true). But it's annoying bc i feel it a lot also when I try to meditate and i think it stops me from doing it properly. Nevertheless I think I handled my HA pretty well I've not googled anything yet and also not attributed it to any serious illness (until a couple of minutes ago when I saw a post about nasal cancer but ok I'm sort of still handling it atm).

Also today a younger psychotherapist at my appointment kept mentioning my glands are a bit swollen and wouldn't stop and I know my glands are fine now and got it checked but i found it a bit triggering, but again I'm managing to keep calm -ish, it just put me off idk I'm feeling very down and moody.

So overall I've been better, I think it's true, making a firm decision you will trust your doctor and forcing yourself to look at things from a 3rd persons perspective is definitely a good first step as hard as it is. And I've genuinely had 3 great days, 1 okay and today is meh, but we'll see how it goes. I just needed to whine a bit I guess. I think i'm doing well, this was the best week in the past 2 months objectively, I am just getting impatient.