View Full Version : Exhausted and drained after panic attack?

24-04-17, 19:58
Hi guys :).

Just wondering if anyone else ever feels totally drained and exhausted after a panic attack?

This morning I woke up feeling quite anxious - hadn't slept well either. I had an appointment with my GP and ended up having a massive panic attack while waiting and then again when in with my GP. I am so embarrassed. I couldn't control my breathing, my heart rate was through the roof and I almost passed out. My GP ended up holding my hands and walking me round in circles for about 15 minutes after until I calmed down. I was also sobbing uncontrollably :/.
Anyway ever since then I've felt so tired and drained. Also had a headache for most of the day. Is it normal to feel tired for so long after a bad attack?

24-04-17, 20:02
Yep, they are completely physically and mentally exhausting. Over the years I have learnt to embrace the exhaustion, as at least I know the worst is over.

24-04-17, 20:04
I know what you mean! The exhaustion is reassuring in some ways because, like you said, the worst is over. I normally don't feel tired for this long after one but I guess today's attack was a pretty bad one xxx

Dan warrior
02-05-17, 08:43
Hi guys :).

Just wondering if anyone else ever feels totally drained and exhausted after a panic attack?

This morning I woke up feeling quite anxious - hadn't slept well either. I had an appointment with my GP and ended up having a massive panic attack while waiting and then again when in with my GP. I am so embarrassed. I couldn't control my breathing, my heart rate was through the roof and I almost passed out. My GP ended up holding my hands and walking me round in circles for about 15 minutes after until I calmed down. I was also sobbing uncontrollably :/.
Anyway ever since then I've felt so tired and drained. Also had a headache for most of the day. Is it normal to feel tired for so long after a bad attack?

It's very normal, when you have a panic attack you use a lot of adrenaline and that burnes up all your energy, I have panic attacks every morning trying to get to work so by the time I get in I have to spend the whole day with no energy at all.

02-05-17, 15:02
Yes, I get this feeling often after I've had a panic attack. Like today, so it is completely normal.

02-05-17, 16:37
Yes, especially when you say you didn't sleep well. That will double the fatigue.

02-05-17, 23:14
Hi Yoga*Lover

Yep! It sure takes it out of you. Even high anxiety is draining... All that tension held for so long. It also burns up energy and can cause low blood sugar which makes you feel worse.

I think the tiredness that we often feel after an actual attack goes beyond the actual impact of the attack itself specifically. I think the body naturally releases chemicals/hormones to calm things down again, which makes you sleepy.

I think it all goes back to the old fight/flight reaction that we have inherited from our cave dwelling ancestors, designed to keep us safe.

Once the fight/flight has been activated to get us out of danger, it then encourages us to find somewhere safe to hole up for a while, away from the danger. Where we curl up and sleep.

That's why we often get phobic about places we have previously had a panic attack in. It is our in-built protective instinct buried away in our ancient brain, trying to keep us away from places we previously experienced 'danger'.

Always remember though, it is there to protect us. If it did us harm or made us run around helplessly, humankind would have been wiped out long ago!

I have been going to the GP 3 times a week for vit B12 injections the last 2-3 weeks. I have been anxious and panicky while waiting. I am not worried about the injections, I am fine with them. I don't know what it is... I mean, I SHOULD be MORE relaxed, being surrounded by medical help!