View Full Version : Dimple in breast, scared about cancer

24-04-17, 21:00
I'm 24 years old, way too young to be thinking about breast cancer, but 3 days ago I found a dimple under my right breast that I can only see in certain positions; usually when I flex my chest muscles with my arm down. I immediately called my doctor and had an appointment. She didn't seem to think it was anything to worry too much about, but scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow to be sure. I am freaking out!!

EVERYTHING I have read online about dimples on boobs basically says "you have breast cancer" and I'm just wondering if anyone has a story about having a dimple and NOT having caner? Or if anyone knows what else it could be?

25-04-17, 00:07
So apparently 9 out of 10 lumps in breasts are not dangerous and at your age even less. idk about dimples but im sure its probably about the same.
im 22 and 2 months ago i found a lump in my breast and i freaked out just the same. it was exactly how google described cancerous lumps and not a cyst and i was so sure i will be that one in thousands 20yo to get breast cancer. guess what i was fine. it was a benign lump a side effect of birth control.

im sure you will be fine, apparently doctors can often already tell to a considerable extent by the look/feel of it and your doctor didn't seem concerned as well as you said you're only 24 so the statistics are on your side. also if you are on hormonal birth control they can easily affect breast tissue as a side effect so it could just be something like that (which was with me)

in any case good luck x and stop googling!really the best advice i can give u

25-04-17, 15:46
Your breast tissue changes through your whole life as hormones change, at your age I also had an ultrasound scan and it was entirely benign. Breast cancer does occur at your age, but very very rarely, statistics are firmly on your side. A vast majority of breast lumps are benign, practically all the time for your age group! Remember you are going to a BREAST CLINIC not a breast cancer clinic....they deal with all manner of benign issues for women. The doctor is doing the right thing to refer you, as to be honest you will just worry yourself silly over wondering what it is, and once you have presented to the gp with a concern it would be remiss of her not to refer you.

25-04-17, 15:59
Good luck and please report back after you exam so we know everything is fine and others in the future who find this thread can draw comfort.

25-04-17, 16:06
The other thing is......please remember that nowadays early detected breast cancer isn't a death sentence. For the majority of women even IF they do have breast cancer diagnosed, they get treated and move on, treatments are SO effective nowadays. I should know, I HAD breast cancer over a year ago and am now free of it. I'm not saying that you DO have it by the way, I am over double your age!

26-04-17, 18:01
Hey everybody thank you for your replies. It's nice to have reassurance. I had the ultrasound yesterday, and neither the tech nor the doctor could find anything. They had me do a mammogram too, just to get a different view of the breast. That was 'normal' also!

I am relieved, but still a bit worried as they didn't give me an explanation for the dimple what could cause this?!

26-04-17, 18:08
I am relieved, but still a bit worried as they didn't give me an explanation for the dimple what could cause this?!

Normal human anatomy variances.

Positive thoughts