View Full Version : New here with a broken heart....

01-05-07, 01:22
My name is Dustin and i am 19. I am from the United States. I have had Panic Disorder and Bipolar since i was born. Me and my girlfriend jsut recently broke up. I have been crying nonstop. I have really bad crying spells. I will scream and cry and talk to myself and to God. I cant control it and it feels good when i cry. I really want her back and we have tried talkin but she says she cant talk to me until i calm down because of my crying. She knows of my disorders. I dont tlak to any one no more, my work performance has declined and i jsut want to be in a dark hole. My parents dont know how to help and when they try and i keep crying they yell at me and it makes me worse. I dont know what to do. I take 150 mg of Effexor. I jsut want my girfriend back :o(.

01-05-07, 01:40
oh dude i totally totally understand. when i lost my long term girlfriend a year and a half ago now, i used to be so torn up i just lay all huddled in my room crying to myself. and i'm still pretty sucky at break ups, i get very sensitive.

i am here and so is everyone else to help you, try to hang out with people and distance yourself just a little from the relationship to get some breathing space, and if you can't find people to hang with often maybe do what i did and eat ben and jerry's and watch films lol :)

i completely know what i feels like though man, everyone goes through it, and i'm always here to talk :)

take care and hang on in there, from a man with experience - you will be ok if you just hold on :)


01-05-07, 02:05

A warm welcome to the forum. You will make many friends here who understand what you are going through. This forum has alot of information and is extremely supportive. Hoping you feel better soon.

Laura :)

01-05-07, 12:47
Hi there - big :welcome:to you!!

Sorry things are not good for you at the moment -

but you'll find help and support here :hugs:

01-05-07, 18:02
Hi Dustin,
Sorry to hear about your break-up, it's one of the most painful things in the world. Crying's a good way to release all your pent-up emotions, so cry as much as you want, but gradually you've gotta ease up on the tears to decide what the next step's going to be and to speak to your ex, if you want.
Take Care x

01-05-07, 18:38
Hi Dustin

Welcome to NMP, hope we can be of some help.

Sorry to hear of your break-up, hope things get better for you hun.


01-05-07, 19:18
WELCOME TO THE SITE DUSTIN:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I know that you will find lots of info and a bunch of supportive new friends here.


Pink Princess
01-05-07, 19:42
hi dustin, sory to hear your hurting so much, welcome to the site, you will get good friends here and gain lots of support xxxxx

01-05-07, 20:16
Hey,sorry for your break-up..Hang on and be optimistic..Everything is gonna be better..And I must give congrats to ya!!I mean I have had panic disorder since last August and I find it really tough to keep on going,but you have it since you were born!And you seem to do great (except for the break-up, apparently)..:yesyes:

01-05-07, 20:54
Hi Dustin,

A big warm welcome to you.xx

01-05-07, 21:46
Hi Dustin, listen you have to think more of yourself. Make it her loss not yours. It hurts like hell I know but you must find something else outside of a relationship that means something to you and carry on.

At 19 believe me, I know it sounds harsh, but another will come and be better than this.

You can do this, you are someone unique and what you got can`t be got from anyone else !