View Full Version : 24/7 physical symptoms, anyone else?

24-04-17, 22:39
I am only 19 and have had health anxiety for so long, atm its out of control, i am not living only existing, extreme but mild? symptoms 24/7, I mean physical symptoms, emotional too, constantly feeling that I am dying soon, or I am suffering too much, even while working all I do is focus my body for every slightest movement. All upper body (back,chest,ribs,shoulders,neck,head,face,scalp) are sore to the touch and I have radiating pains in all those time to time, feels like im so tense, when i wake up in the morning i notice pinchy feeling in my right temple and kind of weakness from head to tongue/throat its a weird feeling, slightly out of focus/shaky vision, improves as soon as I get up.Also I feel like its difficult talking, my jae area feels sore too, also I have redness on my cheeckbones and nose only i've been having this for like 2months but could it be sunburn? Today i was more in the sun so it got worse? I am freaking out to death I read it could be cardiovascular problem now I am out of my mind. I dont look sick on the outside and can do every activity possible over there, i am not dizzy, no fever, no nausea/vomiting, no loss of apettite, no feeling sick, I am an active adult I walk most of the time so I have no fatigue either, this is why everyone thinks that I am faking my symptoms it sucks, my heart rate is fast most of the time, sometimes pulse like feelings go through my body i think probably adrenaline, i have thought of having so many fatal illnesses and I am at the hospital almost everyday now, my doctor is so tired of me, had multiple ekgs, blood works, urine tests, 2 diff neuro visits, 3 ent visits, i fear autoimmune diseases or blood vessel problems now, my doctor wasnt concerned at all and doesnt send me to the cardiologist, it sucks i am so scared of those. How are autoimmune illnesses diagnosed? Could my blood tests detect those? Feels like i cant take anymore please help, also what more tests should I do?

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

None else notices changes in my speech, but I feel it there hell.

24-04-17, 23:59
Hey there

First off let me address the question at the end. Your anxious mind is looking for something wrong with you when there isn't, you've had multiple tests to prove it (more so than most who have had problems for a lot longer) and your doctor isn't concerned. Let me just state how important it is to believe your doctor. If you had an autoimmune disease it would be obvious from test results. Once you get reassurance that it's not what you thought, your mind will start looking for the next serious illness and the cycle will begin anew.

To answer your original question, I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for 10 years, this last year being a major relapse. I'm still getting the help I need but I suffer physical and mental symptoms every day. Tight chest, breathing problems, palpitations and muscle twitches, derealisation and depersonalisation, aching muscles and bones...the list goes on.

Anxiety is a mimic, it will cause all manner of symptoms in an attempt to trick you into feeding it. I'm not sure if you're getting help for anxiety but if you're not this is the time to do it. Meds and therapy are good tools to be used in times like these.

You DO have an illness, but it's not the one you think you have. Health anxiety is an extremely common and sometimes debilitating illness but it won't last forever provided you get the right help.

Best of luck

26-04-17, 03:04
Hi sweetie!! Your jaw issues? That can be from clenching your jaw. You might not even know you are doing it because you are anxious. Your fast heart rate is likely from your worrying too! It's hard not to worry though. I totally get it!

Maybe look into some relaxation and if you start feeling worried really think about relaxing your jaw