View Full Version : Blood on paper after wiping?

24-04-17, 23:44
Iv been straining a bit recently and today after I wiped I noticed blood on the paper, I didn't notice any in the actual stool but by the third wipe there was small red blotches of blood on the paper. It also feels a bit saw down there, especially when I wipe. Do I need to go to the doctor about this? I'm 17 bowel cancer is rare at this age isn't it?

24-04-17, 23:59
Piles/hemmies/fissure... Normal when you strain.

Positive thoughts

25-04-17, 00:39
That sounds like roids to me. Straining is one of the big causes of them, as is pain down there.

Look at your diet in terms of fibre and drink plenty of water. Try not to strain, which may be tied into your anxiety.

If you need treatment, the best thing is to ask the pharmacist as they are commonly sold OTC. If they don't help, see a GP who can prescribe something a bit more powerful.

Soreness/itchiness can be helped with salt water bathing, if needed. A bit of an old fashioned cure all used by nurses to this day when it comes to healing wounds of all types.