View Full Version : Magnesium?

25-04-17, 00:50
Hi all,

I am so desperate for relief from my anxiety but (of course) am anxious about taking prescription pills bc I am actively trying to lose weight which is very much needed and I know they don't help in that regard.

Anyone try calm magnesium drink? Or anything else that has brought you some relief?

Wonder city
25-04-17, 21:11
Hi Loken,

Like you, I dislike taking prescribed medication. That said, I am taking a small dose of pregabalin which was built up slowly. As for things that have helped me: I take a magnesium tablet every day, whether it was placebo or not, about two weeks after taking it I felt some relief. I also take a vitamin B complex as that's meant to help support the nervous system, and omega 3 for heart health. I just feel like these are all helping me with my general health, and therefore must help with anxiety. The other thing that has helped me is a mood diary. Well, more like a bullet journal. Every evening I track my anxiety level for that day on a scale of 1 - 10. I note what kind of day I've had, from excellent, to worst ever. Then I write down if there were any special events of note for that day. If I've socialised. If I'm due on. If I've had a panic attack, the list goes on... You get the idea. This helps me look back and rationalise my emotions.

At the end of the day, we are feeling thinking beings, not thinking feeling beings, so rationalising things doesn't always help, but it's just one of the tools in my tool belt.

Good luck to you. I hope you find some relief.

26-04-17, 19:52
I've heard of Magnesium and other supplements/herbal remedies working for anxiety. Nonetheless, you need to be careful because they aren't regulated, at least not here in the states.

Some supplements that may help are: Ashwaghanda, L-Theanine, Magnesium

There are more, but those are the only ones that I can think of off of the top of my head at this point in time.

I've personally tried the CALM powder in the past (the one with calcium and other stuff in it as well, though). I liked the taste and it seemed to help initially, but eventually it made me feel kind of out of it. I am not sure why - this seems to happen with me, so your mileage may vary.

What I can state is that Magnesium is known to be generally safe and many people are said to be deficient in the micronutrient. So I'd say give it a shot and see how you feel.

NOTE: I am not a doctor and any and all advice I give should not be construed as medical advice and/or information.

27-04-17, 01:35
Magnesium supplementation has some grey areas we all need to understand otherwise we may dismiss it as useless without realising we are even dosing it properly. I've put some info in this thread:


There is more info if you follow my links in that thread and from the thread that takes you to into some useful info from other forums.

27-04-17, 04:39
The best way for me to absorb magnesium is an Epsom salt foot soak or bath. It helps with my focus and with constipation from meds. Magnesium deficiency is found to be connected to many mental health conditions.