View Full Version : Headaches when I stand up?

25-04-17, 01:24
It is above my eye on top of my head and hurts when I stand up. I also feel pain when I press down around the general area.

25-04-17, 01:48
You posted this yesterday (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=197939)... You're only 16, Have you spoken to your parents about your fears and symptoms?

Positive thoughts

25-04-17, 06:33
You posted this yesterday (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=197939)... You're only 16, Have you spoken to your parents about your fears and symptoms?

Positive thoughts

Yes, I have talked to my Mum, she said I have done this anxiety stuff so many times she isn't taking my seriously anymore.

25-04-17, 12:37
Yes, I have talked to my Mum, she said I have done this anxiety stuff so many times she isn't taking my seriously anymore.

Would she take you seriously if you asked her for help in taking you to a mental health professional? Or perhaps you can go to your school counselor and ask for help?

The point is, it's apparent you're struggling and while it's nice to know others struggle with similar fears and it's cathartic to write them out on the forum, it's not a replacement for real life help.

Positive thoughts

25-04-17, 20:16
I don't think it's anything serious. I used to deal with something like that. It could mainly be a sinus issue which I found to be very easy to get.

If it is a sinus issue, you really need to make sure you're getting a ton of water into your body. A good exercise regimen should also help. If the pain continues around, a good few naps throughout the day could help as well.

After reading the previous messages, I really think you should continue talking to her and asking for help. The previous person before is right in the fact that you cannot just use this forum to get help. You really need professional help, especially since you're so young.