View Full Version : Bloated

01-05-07, 03:45

Ive been suffering with bowel trouble for quite some time. I find it very difficult to go. When i do its very painful. Ive thought it might possibly be I.b.s. I get bloated very easy and it causes me to have bad stomach aches. Ive dealt with it quite well untill recently i started to get pain when i sit down . Its only been like this for few days but im worried because its not like a pain u would get from a sore. Usually i feel better after ive been but i feel like im constipated all time at moment. My stomach still seems bloated and i have the pain still.


01-05-07, 04:28
My doc tells me it's very unusual for an anxiety sufferer NOT to have IBS.
I have it and have all the symptoms you've described.
Hope this helps
Phill :shades:

01-05-07, 10:22
I also believe you have IBS as the symptoms you describe are the same. I suffer with my bowel, so I can sympathise.

01-05-07, 17:59
Hi Dave,
I've had similar problems and I've found senakot very effective as a remedy for constipation. There are various natural non-prescription treatments available in Boots and other chemists for the bloating and constipation. I find if I'm particularly anxious, I find it hard to go to the loo, or if I'm busy, I ignore the signals, which is a bad thing to do. Talk to your pharmacist or go to see the doc. I think Boots even sell over the counter remedies for IBS too.

01-05-07, 18:19
Hi David,

Sorry to hear how you are feeling, :hugs:

Are you on any meds ? meds can cause these symptoms too. Are you eating high fiber foods and fruit, this helps too.

I know when I was on meds I had to take meds to help me go the loo, just while I was on the meds.

Have you read the page on here about IBS, it has some great advice :yesyes:

Knowing your own body and what irratates the bowl helps, it takes awhile to get to know this by illiminating foods and adding foods. writing down foods you think may contipate you.

I would talk to you chemist and see what he/she advisers.

Hope you feel better soon

Take care


01-05-07, 21:50
Possibly : Lack of excercise, easy for a lot of us !

02-05-07, 01:37
Thanks for all ur help. I still feel in bit of discomfort. I think it might be connected with feelings of anxiety coz i do have lot things going on in my head which make it very difficult for me to relax. Im not on any medication apart from hayfever tablets but had it before i started taking them.


07-05-07, 21:36
Hi David,

Once my panic attacks stopped, the IBS started. I was suffering with this for a few months, and once I stop worrying about it, and concentrated on eating a bit better and exercising a bit more, its been a lot better. The section on this site was very helpful.

Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.